Indian Baby Names For Twins (Boy - Boy)

Baby Names for Indian Twins - (Boy - Boy)

Boy NameMeaningTwin Boy NameMeaning
AadeshCommand; Message; CounselVideshForeign land; Lord Shiva
AahladDelight; Joy; Happy; HappinessPrahaladBliss
AakashThe Sky; Open mindednessPrakashLight; Bright; Brilliance; Success; Fame; Appearance
AakashThe Sky; Open mindednessVikashDevelopment; Expanding; Light; Brilliance; To appear; Progress; Cheer
AalokLight; Brilliance; VisionAlekDefender of humanity
AalokLight; Brilliance; VisionTrilokThe three worlds heaven; Earth; Hell
AashuActive; Quick; FastShanuFire; A learned Man
AbhasFeeling; VirtualAbhavLord Shiva; Having the ability to be different
AbhayFearlessVibhayFreedom from fear; not exposed to danger; intrepid
AbhayFearlessAjaySuccess; Unconquerable; Invincible
AbhayankarPowerful and completeShankarLord Shiva; Causing happiness; Conferring good fortune; Auspicious; An epithet of Shiva; Name of a celebrated teacher of Vedanta philosophy Shankaracharya; Name of a Raaga
AbhiFearlessShibiKing; Ornamental
AbhijitLord Krishna; One who is victorious (Abhijeet)AbhijeetLord Krishna; One who is victorious (Abhijeet)
AbhilashDesire; AffectionAbhileshImmortal; Unique
AbhiroopHandsome; Pleasant; PleasingAbhishekRitual; Purification; Shower of milk or water over an idol; Anoint; Bathing to God
AbhyaTowards the fireAjaySuccess; Unconquerable; Invincible
AchalConstantAmarImmortal; Forever; Divine
AcharyaA prominent religious teacher and spiritual guide; TeacherAthreyaName of a sage; Clever; Receptacle of glory
AchyutImperishable; A name of Lord Vishnu; IndestructibleArchitWorship; Revered
AdarshIdeal; The Sun; Principle; Belief; ExcellenceAkarshAttractive
AdeshCommand; Message; CounselSadeshPearl
AdilJudge; Honest; Upright; Justice; Sincere; JustAdinPleasure giver; Beautiful; Adorned; Noble of spirit
AdityaNewly risen Sun; Lord Surya; The SunAdikyaAuthority; Showing upper hand
AhladDelight; Joy; Happy; HappinessPrahladExcess of joy; Happiness
AidanHelp; IntelligentEthanStrong
AidenPowerfulJaydenA variant of Jaydev (Lord of triumph)
AineshThe Sun's glory; SunshineJineshName of a Jain god; Lord of victors
AjaySuccess; Unconquerable; InvincibleVijayVictory
AjaySuccess; Unconquerable; InvincibleSanjayVictorious; Dhritarashtra's charioteer
AjayanWinnerVijayanVictory; One who always win
AjeshLord Hanuman, The God who is invincible, Not defeated by anyoneLajesh 
AjitSuccessful; Unbeatable; Unconquerable (Ajeet)RanjitVictor in wars; Victorious
AjitSuccessful; Unbeatable; Unconquerable (Ajeet)SujithAuspicious victory; Victorious
AkanshDesire; WishAkashThe Sky; Open-mindedness
AkashThe Sky; Open-mindednessAmanPeace
AkashThe Sky; Open-mindednessDarshanVision; Knowledge; Observation; Doctrine; Philosophy; Perceive or vision or paying respect or religious text
AkhilCompleteNikhilWhole; Perfect; Complete; Entire
AkhileswarSupreme beingNikhileswarName of Lord Shiva
AkshanEyeAkshatOne who cannot be injured; Rice offered to a deity in Hindu Pooja; Indestructible
AksharImperishableAkshatOne who cannot be injured; Rice offered to a deity in Hindu Pooja; Indestructible
AkshayEternal; Immortal; IndestructibleAbhayFearless
AkulA name of Lord ShivaNakulName of one of the Pandavas; Son; A musical instrument; The fourth Pandava Prince from the Mahabharata; Mongoose; Another name for Shiva
AkulA name of Lord ShivaAtulMatchless or incomparable; Unique; Without a match
AmaanPeaceAyaanSomeone who is religiously inclined; Gift of God
AmanPeaceAmarImmortal; Forever; Divine
AmanPeaceNamanSalutation; Bowing; To pay homage
AmarImmortal; Forever; DivinePremLove
AmarImmortal; Forever; DivineAzharFlowers; Blossoms; The most shining; Luminous
AmeenFaithful; Trustworthy; HonestAmeetInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; Boundless
AmitInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; BoundlessNamitBowed down; Modest; To bow in a humble greeting; Worshipper
AmitInfinite; Unique; Incomparable Lord; Indestructible; Imperishable; Great; Endless; BoundlessSumitA good friend; Well measured; One who has a beautiful body; Shapely
AmitabhOne with boundless splendor; Incomparable; GloriousAjitabhOne who has conquered the Sky; Victor
AmolPriceless; Precious; ValuableAnmolPriceless; Invaluable; Precious
AmritNectarArpitTo donate; To give or offer something; Offered; Dedicated
AnandJoy; Happiness; DelightSadanandEver joyous
AnchitHonorable; Someone honored and respectedSanchitCollected; Gathered
AneeshA close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme; Another name for Krishna and VishnuManishLord of the mind; Joyful temperament; Soul; Pride; Heart; Deep thinker
AnilGod of wind; Brilliant; Shining; Fair; Another name for Vishnu and ShivaSunilDark blue; Sapphire; Blue stone
AnilGod of wind; Brilliant; Shining; Fair; Another name for Vishnu and ShivaAminFaithful; Trustworthy; Honest
AnishA close friend; Good company; Smart one; Companion; Supreme; Another name for Krishna and VishnuTanishAmbition
AnjanDusky; Eye linerNiranjanSimple
AnkitConquered; Distinguished; Marked out; NotedArpitTo donate; To give or offer something; Offered; Dedicated
AnshuThe Sun; Ray of light; Splendour; Speed; SunbeamPranshulName of Lord Shiva
AnupamIncomparable; Precious; UniqueNirupamIncomparable; Fearless; Unique; Without comparison
AnurajDevoted; Enlightening; BrilliantAnuragLove; Affection; Devotion; Attachment
ApurvaOne of a kind or rare; Quite new; Exquisite; Unprecedented; Like never before; Unique; UnmatchedPurvaEarlier; One; Elder; East
AradhanWorship; PrayerArohanTo rise
AravindLove; Avatar; Lotus; Auspicious; HandsomeMakarandBee
ArpanThe devotional offering; AuspiciousDarpanmirror
AruThe SunTaruTree
ArunThe red glow of the rising Sun; Mythical charioteer of the Sun; Dawn; PassionateVarunLord of the waters; Neptune; All enveloping sky; A Vedic God regarded as the supreme deity, he is seen as upholding heaven and Earth and guarding immortality
AtinThe great oneJatinA name of Lord Shiva; One who has matted hair; Ascetic; Disciplined
AtulMatchless or incomparable; Unique; Without a matchMitulFaithful friend; Balanced; Moderate
AtulMatchless or incomparable; Unique; Without a matchAnilGod of wind; Brilliant; Shining; Fair; Another name for Vishnu and Shiva
AvinBeauty; Son of AshimAvikBrave
AvnishLord of the whole world; Lord Ganesh; RulerManishLord of the mind; Joyful temperament; Soul; Pride; Heart; Deep thinker
Awah AwanQuality
AyushAge; Man; Long lived; One with long life, Duration of lifePiyushMilk; Nectar
BarunLord of the waters; Neptune; All enveloping sky; A Vedic God regarded as the supreme deity, he is seen as upholding heaven and Earth and guarding immortalityBahulA Star
BharatDescended from Bharat; Universal monarch; Clever; Race; A demigod and brother of Lord Ram; Fire; One who fulfils all desiresBhagatDevotee; Disciple
BhaskarBrilliant; Illuminated; Creator; The Sun; Fire; GoldBhargavLord Shiva, Attaining radiance, Coming from Bhrigu, An epithet of Shiva, The planet venus, An excellent archer
ChandSincere wish; The Moon; To shineSurajThe Sun; Illuminating
ChandranThe Moon; Moon-like a faceIndranLord Indra; The God of rain; The portion of spirit residing in the body; Night; Best; Excellent
Chandratej Indratej 
ChetanIntelligence; Perception; Spirit of life; Vigour; LifeChiragBrilliance; Lamp
ChetanIntelligence; Perception; Spirit of life; Vigour; LifeKetanBanner; Golden; Abode; Flag; Invitation; Signal; Home
ChiragBrilliance; LampAnuragLove; Affection; Devotion; Attachment
DanielGod is my judgeDavidPrince Dearly loved
DarshSight; Handsome; Lord Krishna; When the Moon becomes visibleHarshJoy; Excitement; Happiness
DasanRuler; Having a style in every thingVasanOne who lives in Erumeli
DevalName of a saint; Divine; Holy; Dedicated to GodsDevinResembling a God; Poet; One who takes chances; Fawn
DevanLike a God; Food offered to Gods; HolyShivenName of Lord Shiva; The destroyer; One who maintains a balance between life & death
DharmendraKing of religionJitendraLord of conquerors; One who can conquer Lord Indra
DheerGentle; Wise; Calm; Clever; Resolute; Firm; PatientVeerCourageous; Warrior; Strong; Lightning; Thunder
DheerajPatience; Consolation; Born of tolerance; Clever; Calm; Resolute; FirmNeerajLotus flower; To illuminate; Irradiate
DhirenOne who is strongVirenLord of warriors
DhirenOne who is strongDhirajGoddess Parvati; Purity; Gift from God; One who protects; Night prayer; Plough; Another name for Durga; Intellect; Power
DinakarThe SunSubhakarGood
EkantSolitaryPrasanthCalm and composed or cool
EleshKingNileshLord Krishna; Moon
ElijahBeautiful; Sweet; SmartIsaiahHelper of the God
EshanLord Shiva; Lord Sun or north-east direction; Desiring and wishing; Impulse; AimKishanLord Krishna; Black; Dark-skinned
FarihHappy; DelightFarizPromising; Determined
GauravHonor; Pride; Respect; Glory; DignitySauravDivine; Celestial; Beautiful
GeetSong; Poem; ChantGunjanBuzzing of a bee; Humming; Blossoms
GiriMountainHariThe Sun; Man; Green; Light; Moon; Another name for Indra; Brahma Vishnu and Shiva
GirinathLord KrishnaHarinathLord Vishnu; Similar to Hari; God
GirishGod of mountain attributed to Lord Shiva; Lord of speech; Epithet of Shiva; Lord of the mountainHarishLord Shiva; Shiva and Vishnu conjoined
GokulA place where Lord Krishna was brought upNakulName of one of the Pandavas; Son; A musical instrument; The fourth Pandava Prince from the Mahabharata; Mongoose; Another name for Shiva
GopalCowherd, Another name of Lord KrishnaBhupalKing
GovardhanName of a mountain in GokulGirivardhanLord Vekataswra
HameshForeverNimeshInside viewer; Spilt second; Transient; Another name for Vishnu
HarshaJoy; Delight; Happiness; ExcitementVarshaRain; Rainfall
HemantGold or Lord Buddha; Early winterSumantWise or friendly
HemantGold or Lord Buddha; Early winterSawantSun; Bright
HimanshuThe MoonSudhanshuThe Moon
HimirCalm; ColdMihirThe Sun
HiralLustrousViralPriceless; Precious
HiteshLord of goodness; Lord VenkateswaraNiteshGod of law; One well versed in law; Follower of the correct way; Master of the right path
HiteshLord of goodness; Lord VenkateswaraRiteshLord of seasons; Lord of truth
HriteshLovablePriteshLord of Love
InderRuler of all that is wild and untamed; Born of tooth and fangChanderThe Moon
IshuAngel sweet lovely beautifulVishuLord Vishnu; Poison; Earth
JagadishGod of the world, Lord of the worldJayadeepVictory to the light
JatinA name of Lord Shiva; One who has matted hair; Ascetic; DisciplinedYatinAscetic; Devotee
JatinA name of Lord Shiva; One who has matted hair; Ascetic; DisciplinedLalitBeautiful; Desirable; Voluptuous; Gentle; Graceful; Charming; Sporting gentle
Jaya KumarVictorious personRavi KumarLord Surya (the Sun); Fire
JayakarMine of VictorySubhakarGood
JayanVictory; Good character; Causing victoryVijayanVictory; One who always win
JayantVictorious; Star; Eventual victor; Triumphant; The Moon; Another name for Mahavishnu and ShivaVijayantVictor; Name of Lord Indra
JaydenA variant of Jaydev (Lord of triumph)JaylenAn invented name; Bird of light
JayendraLord of victoryVijayendraGod of victory
JeevanLife; Life-giving; Bringer of lifePawanBreeze; Wind; Air
JihanLeaping; The universe; The worldIshanLord Shiva; The Sun; Vishnu; Agni and Surya; Ruler; Generous; Causing prosperity
JineshName of a Jain god; Lord of victorsDineshThe Sun; Day-lord
JitenVictoriousHitenThe heart
JohnGod has been gracious: has shown favor in the bible; John the baptist, baptized christ in the JordanJosephGod shall add a another son
JosephGod shall add a another sonJoshuaGod is salvation
KamalLotus; Perfection; Miracle; Art; Water; Rose-coloured; Another name for BrahmaVimalPure; White; Bright
KaranKarna, The firstborn of Kunti; Talented; Intelligent; Ear; Document; Another name for Brahman or the supreme spiritArjunFair; Open minded; Pure; Brilliant; A Pandava Prince; Bright
KarunKind; Merciful; Gentle; Another name for Brahman or the supreme spiritTarunConnection; Young; Youth; Ageless; Gentle
KaviA wise man; Poet; Talented; A physician; Another name for Brahma; A singer talented; KnowledgeableRaviDelighted; Satisfied; Hope; Expectation; Wish; The Sun; Expert or skilled; Fire
KavishKing of poets; Name of Lord GaneshNitishGod of law; One well versed in law; Follower of the correct way; Master of the right path
KetanBanner; Golden; Abode; Flag; Invitation; Signal; HomeChetanIntelligence; Perception; Spirit of life; Vigour; Life
KevinComely; Loved oneJaivinhonest; benevolent; brilliant and often inventive; full of high inspirations
KrishNickname of names beginning with - Kris; Short form of Lord KrishnaKaranKarna, The firstborn of Kunti; Talented; Intelligent; Ear; Document; Another name for Brahman or the supreme spirit
KritinIntelligent; Skilled; Wise; CleverNitinMaster of the law; Master of the right path; Principle; Judge
LohitRed; Made of Copper; Mars; Lord; Battle; Sandalwood; SaffronRehit 
LuvFirst of Lord Rama's twin sonKushSacred grass; A son of the God Ram
MaanavMan; Youth; Relating to Manu; Humankind; Human being; Pearl; Treasure human beingAbhinavInnovative; Young; Modern; Fresh; Novel; A Sakta notable for his great learning and spiritual attainment; New
MadhurSweet; Melodious; AmiableMilanUnion; To meet
MakulA budNakulName of one of the Pandavas; Son; A musical instrument; The fourth Pandava Prince from the Mahabharata; Mongoose; Another name for Shiva
ManavMan; Youth; Relating to Manu; Humankind; Human being; Pearl; Treasure human beingPranavLord Vishnu; The sacred syllable Om; Kind of musical instrument; An epithet of Vishnu; Son of night; Grandson of Anantara and brother of Shatrajit; Very much fresh or young; Epithet of Shiva
ManojLove; Originating in the mind; Born of mindManujHuman; Born of Manu; Man
MayurPeacockMayankThe Moon; Distinguished
MohanCharming; Fascinating; Infatuating; Another name for Shiva and Krishna; HandsomeRohanA river in paradise; Ascending; Blossom; Another name for Vishnu; Finest Indian steel; Rising
MohanCharming; Fascinating; Infatuating; Another name for Shiva and Krishna; HandsomeSohanSmart; Good looking; Handsome
MohitEnsnarled by beauty; Attracted; Infatuated; BewilderedRohitRed; The Sun; Jewellery; A rainbow; Blood
MuraliFluteMurariLord Krishna; Killer of the demon Mura
MuruganTamil GodKumaranLord muraga
Nahil SahilSeashore; Guide; Shore; Bank
NakulName of one of the Pandavas; Son; A musical instrument; The fourth Pandava Prince from the Mahabharata; Mongoose; Another name for ShivaMukulBud; First bloom
NarenPeople with this name tend to be filled with the Joy of life, they are quite imaginative and enthusiasticSurenLord Indra; Derived from Sur, Sur - a God; Divinity; A sage; Learned man; The Sun; Idol; A snake
NarenPeople with this name tend to be filled with the Joy of life, they are quite imaginative and enthusiasticDhirenOne who is strong
NarendraThe leader of all human beings; King of men; The kingRajendraKing
NavalWonder; New; ModernNaveenNew
NavalWonder; New; ModernDhavalFair complexion; Pure; Dazzling; White; Handsome
NaveenNewPraveenExpert; Skilled
NeelChampion; Blue; Treasure; A mountain; Indigo; SapphireGaganSky; Heaven; Atmosphere
NeelChampion; Blue; Treasure; A mountain; Indigo; SapphireSheelCharacter; Custom; Nature; Worth
NidhiBrilliant; To bestow; Treasure; WealthSiddhiAchievement; Lord Shiva; Perfection or completion
NikhilWhole; Perfect; Complete; EntireNikhitSharp; Earth; Ganges
NileshLord Krishna; MoonShaileshGod of the mountain, Himalaya
NirmalPure; Brilliant; CleanNischalCalm; Unmovable; Unshakable; Steady
NishantThe Moon; Dawn; Peace; Pleasant early morning; Daybreak; The end of the nightVishantAnother name of Lord Vishnu
OmThe sacred syllableSomThe Moon; Distinguished; Nectar; Ambrosia; Juice of the Soma plant that grants immortality; Another name for Shiva
PaarthArjun; Son of the Earth King; Prince; Another name of Arjun, Derived from his Mother's name Pritha (Kunti)SidharathAccomplished; The blessed one; Buddha; white mustard; White mustard
ParagPollen grains; Fame; FragrantChiragBrilliance; Lamp
ParichayIntroductionNischayDecision; Confirmed
PauravA descendant of king PuruSauravDivine; Celestial; Beautiful
PinankLord Shiva namePiyushMilk; Nectar
PitambarLord Vishnu; Yellow robedNilamberBlue sky; God of Sky
PradeepLight; Shine; Lamp; BrilliantSudeepBright; Very bright; Happiness
PrakashLight; Bright; Brilliance; Success; Fame; AppearanceAkashThe Sky; Open-mindedness
PralayHimalayaMalayA mountain; Fragrant; Sandalwood; A mountain range in south India famous for its spices
PrashantCalm and composed; PeaceSushantQuiet; Calm
PraveenaGoddess Saraswati; SkilledNaveenaNew
Priten HitenThe heart
PriyankVery dear husbandMayankThe Moon; Distinguished
PriyanshuFirst ray of the SunlightSuryanshuSunbeam
RachitInventionSachitJoyful or consciousness
RaghuramLord RamaSairamSai baba and Lord Rama
RahilOne who shows the way; Traveler; Path guiderSahilSeashore; Guide; Shore; Bank
RahulSon of Buddha; Conqueror of all miseries; Competent; EfficientMehulRain
RahulSon of Buddha; Conqueror of all miseries; Competent; EfficientRohitRed; The Sun; Jewellery; A rainbow; Blood
RahulSon of Buddha; Conqueror of all miseries; Competent; EfficientBahulA Star
RahulSon of Buddha; Conqueror of all miseries; Competent; EfficientMehulRain
RahulSon of Buddha; Conqueror of all miseries; Competent; EfficientRajKing
RajKingYuvarajPrince; Heir apparent; Young
RajanKing; RoyalSajanBeloved; Good man; Noble; Respectable; Guard; From a good family
RajeevAchiever; Blue LotusSanjeevGiving life; Re animating; Love
RajendraKingVirendraLord of courageous men; Brave Lord
RajeshGod of kingsBrijeshGod of the land of Brij
RajeshGod of kingsHiteshLord of goodness; Lord Venkateswara
RajeshGod of kingsRakeshLord of the night
RakshitGuarded; Secure; SavedParakshit 
RamLord Rama; God; Supreme spiritShyamDark blue; Black, A name of Lord Krishna
RamLord Rama; God; Supreme spiritBalramBrother of Lord Krishna
RamLord Rama; God; Supreme spiritLakhanBrother of Lord Rama; Successful; Achiever; Distinguished; With auspicious marks
RamLord Rama; God; Supreme spiritLakshmanProsperous; Brother of Lord Rama; Born to give
RamLord Rama; God; Supreme spiritParasuramThe sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu
RamLord Rama; God; Supreme spiritKrishNickname of names beginning with - Kris; Short form of Lord Krishna
RamanBeloved; Pleasing; Attractive; Enchanting; Another name for the loveKrishnanLord Krishna; Black; Dark-skinned
RaviDelighted; Satisfied; Hope; Expectation; Wish; The Sun; Expert or skilled; FireKaviA wise man; Poet; Talented; A physician; Another name for Brahma; A singer talented; Knowledgeable
RaviDelighted; Satisfied; Hope; Expectation; Wish; The Sun; Expert or skilled; FireRaghuThe family of Lord Rama
RishabhMorality; Superior; Excellent; A musical note; BullSaurabhFragrance
RiteshLord of seasons; Lord of truthHiteshLord of goodness; Lord Venkateswara
RiteshLord of seasons; Lord of truthMiteshOne with few desires
RiteshLord of seasons; Lord of truthRajeshGod of kings
RohanA river in paradise; Ascending; Blossom; Another name for Vishnu; Finest Indian steel; RisingSohanSmart; Good looking; Handsome
RohitRed; The Sun; Jewellery; A rainbow; BloodMohitEnsnarled by beauty; Attracted; Infatuated; Bewildered
RohitRed; The Sun; Jewellery; A rainbow; BloodRonitEmbellishment; To be charming; Song; Tune
RohitRed; The Sun; Jewellery; A rainbow; BloodRohanA river in paradise; Ascending; Blossom; Another name for Vishnu; Finest Indian steel; Rising
RohitRed; The Sun; Jewellery; A rainbow; BloodMohitEnsnarled by beauty; Attracted; Infatuated; Bewildered
RomilFull of Love; CheerfulSoumilLove to meet different persons; A friend
RoopakLord ramatic composition; Sign; FeatureDeepakLampe; Kindle; Brilliance
RupeshLooks like Ishwar; The supreme God of Hindu; Lord of beautyNripeshKing of kings
RushabhA musical note; Superior; Morality; Bull; ExcellentVrushabhExcellent; Manly; Bull; Virile; Strong; Best
SachinLord Indra; Pure existence; Affectionate; Epithet of ShivaArchinBrilliant; One who offers prayers; Pious
SagarSea; OceanSameerEarly morning fragrance; Entertaining companion; Wind; Breeze; Air; Creator; Another name for Shiva; Era
SahilSeashore; Guide; Shore; BankSahirWakeful; Magician; Alert; Nocturnal
SaileshLord of the mountainNileshLord Krishna; Moon
SairamSai baba and Lord RamaAbhiramLord Shiva; The most handsome; Pleasing; Giver of pleasure; Wonderful
SamirEarly morning fragrance; Entertaining companion; Wind; Breeze; Air; Creator; Another name for Shiva; EraBalbirMighty and brave; Strong
SamitCollectedSamirEarly morning fragrance; Entertaining companion; Wind; Breeze; Air; Creator; Another name for Shiva; Era
SanjeevGiving life; Re animating; LoveRanjeevVictorious
SapanDream (Swapna)TapanThe Sun; Summer; Brilliant; Fiery
SarangA musical instrument; Distinguished; Brilliance; Light; Jewel; Gold light; The Earth; A musical Raag, Another name for the Love God Kaama and ShivaNavrangBeautiful
SarveshMaster of all or God or King or Lord of all; Emperor; Lord ShivaBhaveshLord of sentiment; Lord of existence; Lord of the universe; Lord Shiva
SatishLord of hundreds; Ruler of hundreds; HappinessNitishGod of law; One well versed in law; Follower of the correct way; Master of the right path
SatyamHonestySivamAuspicious; Lord Shiva; Fortunate; Elegant
SatyanandTrue BlissNityanandPerennially Happy
SaurabhFragranceNeelabhAn object in the sky cloud; Moon
SauravDivine; Celestial; BeautifulGavravHonor; Pride; Respect; Prestige
ShashankThe MoonSushantQuiet; Calm
ShashiThe Moon; An Apsara or celestial GoddessRishiPleasure; Sage; Ray of light; Wise; Pious; Light
Shihir MihirThe Sun
ShivaLord Shiva; Auspicious; Lucky; Always pure; All-encompassing; Lovely; Welfare; Water; Joy welfare; Salvation; The energy of Shiva in the form of his wifeShankarLord Shiva; Causing happiness; Conferring good fortune; Auspicious; An epithet of Shiva; Name of a celebrated teacher of Vedanta philosophy Shankaracharya; Name of a Raaga
ShivamAuspicious; Lord Shiva; Fortunate; ElegantShubhamGood; Auspicious
SivamAuspicious; Lord Shiva; Fortunate; ElegantSundaramSmartness
SohanSmart; Good looking; HandsomeMohanCharming; Fascinating; Infatuating; Another name for Shiva and Krishna; Handsome
SparshTouchHarshJoy; Excitement; Happiness
SubhFortunate; Brilliant; Attractive; Auspicious; WealthyLabhProfit
SubhamGood; AuspiciousNigamVedic text; Teaching; Town; Victory
SudhakarMine of nectar; MoonDayakarMerciful Lord Shiva; Compassionate
SumanA flower; Very charming; Plesant; Considerate; Cheerful; Beautiful; Handsome; Kind; FamePavanBreeze; Wind; Air
SumedhWise; Clever; SensibleSumeshLord of flowers
SumeshLord of flowersUmeshLord Shiva, Lord of Uma
SurajThe Sun; IlluminatingNirajLotus flower; Pure; Free from attachment
SurenLord Indra; Derived from Sur, Sur - a God; Divinity; A sage; Learned man; The Sun; Idol; A snakeSameerEarly morning fragrance; Entertaining companion; Wind; Breeze; Air; Creator; Another name for Shiva; Era
SuryaThe Sun; One of the original Vedic triad with Agni and IndraChandraThe Moon
SushantQuiet; CalmNishantThe Moon; Dawn; Peace; Pleasant early morning; Daybreak; The end of the night
TahirPure; Chaste; Clean; Modest; HolyMihirThe Sun
TanmayaAbsorbedChinmayaFull of knowledge; Embodied with knowledge; Supreme consciousness
TanuBody; Slender; Minute; Delicate; ThinManuWise; Attractive; Ruler of the Earth; Founder father of human beings; An Apsara or celestial nymph; Intelligent; Humankind; Paradise; Thought
TanvirEnlightened; Rays of lightRanvirHero of the battle; Winner
TarunConnection; Young; Youth; Ageless; GentleVarunLord of the waters; Neptune; All enveloping sky; A Vedic God regarded as the supreme deity, he is seen as upholding heaven and Earth and guarding immortality
UdayTo rise; Blue LotusUbhay 
UjjwalBrightPrajwalShining; Brightness
UlhasJoy; Delight; Celebration; Light; Brilliance; ProgressVihlas 
UtpalWater lily; Fleshless; Lotus blossom; BlossomingUjwalSplendorous; Lit; Brilliant; Attractive; Sunshine
VaishnavVaishnava denotes Lord VishnuVaibhavRichness; Power; Eminence
VanchitPrecious; Desired; LovedSanchitCollected; Gathered
VedantThe scriptures; Vedic method of self realisation; Knower of the Vedas; Theology; Absolute truth; Hindu philosophy or ultimate wisdom; King of allSiddhantRule; Principals
VidulThe MoonMridulTender; Delicate; Soft; Gentle; Water
VijayVictoryVikasDevelopment; Expanding; Light; Brilliance; To appear; Progress; Cheer
VijayVictoryVinaMusical instrument; Lightning; Lute
VimalPure; White; BrightVinodHappy; Full of joy; Play; Fun; Joke; Humour
VinayGood manners; Decency; RestraintVijayVictory
VinayGood manners; Decency; RestraintVineshGodly; Pious
VineetKnowledge; Venus; UnassumingNavneetFresh butter; Gentle; Soft; Always new
VineshGodly; PiousVineshGodly; Pious
VinithUnassuming; Knowledgeable; Modest; Venus; RequesterVijithWinner; Invincible
VinodHappy; Full of joy; Play; Fun; Joke; HumourPramodDelight; Lord of all abodes; Pleasure
VinodHappy; Full of joy; Play; Fun; Joke; HumourVishalHuge; Broad; Great; Substantial; Important; Powerful; Eminent
VirCourageous; Warrior; Strong; Lightning; ThunderHirPowerful; Power; Diamond; Darkness
VirCourageous; Warrior; Strong; Lightning; ThunderMahavirMost courageous among men
ViralPriceless; PreciousHiralLustrous
VirenLord of warriorsVarunLord of the waters; Neptune; All enveloping sky; A Vedic God regarded as the supreme deity, he is seen as upholding heaven and Earth and guarding immortality
VirendraLord of courageous men; Brave LordSurendraLord Indra; Chief of Gods; Indra
VirendraLord of courageous men; Brave LordVijayendraGod of victory
VishalHuge; Broad; Great; Substantial; Important; Powerful; EminentViharTemple; Monastery
VishnuLord Vishnu; Root; To pervade; The preserver of the Hindu Holy Trinity; Has ten incarnations including Ram, Krishna and BuddhaKishnu 
VivanLord Krishna; Full of life; Rays of the morning SunRivanHorse rider; A star
VivekJudgment; Discernment; Knowledge; Reason; ConscienceVinodHappy; Full of joy; Play; Fun; Joke; Humour
VrijeshGod of the land of BrijBrijeshGod of the land of Brij
VrijeshGod of the land of BrijJigneshCuriosity to research
VrishabhExcellent; Manly; Bull; Virile; Strong; BestVrushabhExcellent; Manly; Bull; Virile; Strong; Best
YogeshGod of YogaRiteshLord of seasons; Lord of truth