Indian Girl Names Having Meaning 'Happy'

150 Girl Names Found For Meaning Having 'Happy'
Showing 101 - 150 of 150
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Rangitha Happy; Charmed 6 Girl-E
Ranva Pleasant; Happy; Lovely 2 Girl-E
Ranvita Happy; Joyous 4 Girl-E
Ranvitha Happy; Joyous 3 Girl-E
Rauhah Happy contented 3 Girl-E
Renji To make Happy 11 Girl-E
Rithvi Right guidance; Happy; Scholar; Lady Indian priest who fullfill particularly completing the Vedic haven 5 Girl-E
Ritvi Right guidance; Happy; Scholar; Lady Indian priest who fullfill particularly completing the Vedic haven 6 Girl-E
Robeena Happy; Girl; Blessing with Love; Waterfall 6 Girl-E
Robina Happy; Girl; Blessing with Love; Waterfall 5 Girl-E
Saaida Branch; Tributary; Happy; Lucky; Fem of Saeed; Most beautiful; Unmatched; Friendly 8 Girl-E
Saalima Safe; Healthy; Happy 2 Girl-E
Saarah Happy; Pure; Princess 3 Girl-E
Saeeda Branch; Tributary; Happy; Lucky; Fem of Saeed; Most beautiful; Unmatched; Friendly 8 Girl-E
Saida Branch; Tributary; Happy; Lucky; Fem of Saeed; Most beautiful; Unmatched; Friendly 7 Girl-E
Saleema Safe; Healthy; Happy 2 Girl-E
Salima Safe; Healthy; Happy 1 Girl-E
Sameena Happy; Precious; Generous; Pacifist; Peaceful; Healthy; Plump 22 Girl-E
Samina Happy; Precious; Generous; Pacifist; Peaceful; Healthy; Plump 3 Girl-E
Samridha Wealthy; Happy 1 Girl-E
Sananda Happy; Very pleasing 9 Girl-E
Sarah Happy; Pure; Princess 2 Girl-E
Saraksha Happy; Versatile; Expressive nature 6 Girl-E
Sarasi Jolly; Happy 22 Girl-E
Saukhya Well being; Harmonious; Healing and spiritual frame of mind; Comfortable; Happy 5 Girl-E
Shadan Cheerful; Prosperous; Happy 2 Girl-E
Shaguftah Blooming; Happy 1 Girl-E
Sharmila Happy 9 Girl-E
Sreshta The best in number & quality; Most happy or prosperous 9 Girl-E
Sreshtha The best in number & quality; Most happy or prosperous 8 Girl-E
Srestha The best in number & quality; Most happy or prosperous 9 Girl-E
Sriharini Padmanabhan's wife; Goddess Lakshmi; A girl who is always Happy 6 Girl-E
Sriharinii Padmanabhan's wife; Goddess Lakshmi; A girl who is always Happy 6 Girl-E
Sriharshini Padmanabhan's wife; Goddess Lakshmi; A girl who is always Happy 6 Girl-E
Sugathi A good or happy condition; Solution; Fortune 4 Girl-E
Sugati A good or happy condition; Solution; Fortune 5 Girl-E
Sukitha Happy 8 Girl-E
Sulalita Very pleasing; Greatly pleased or happy 5 Girl-E
Sulalitha Very pleasing; Greatly pleased or happy 4 Girl-E
Sunanda Happy; Very pleasing 2 Girl-E
Sunandini Happy; Very pleasing 6 Girl-E
Sunandita Happy; Very pleasing 4 Girl-E
Surma Happy Cheery 9 Girl-E
Tharcika Happy 8 Girl-E
Vinodhini Happy girl 5 Girl-E
Vinodini Joyful girl 6 Girl-E
Vishoka Happy; Without grief; Free of sorrow 4 Girl-E
Visoka Happy; Without grief; Free of sorrow 5 Girl-E
Wajee Happy; Jolly; Pleasant 8 Girl-E
Wajna Happy; Jolly; Pleasant 4 Girl-E
Showing 101 - 150 of 150