Indian Girl Names Having Meaning 'Lakshmi'

168 Girl Names Found For Meaning Having 'Lakshmi'
Showing 101 - 168 of 168
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Prasannakshi Lively eyed 5 Girl-E
Punyaa Good work; The Goddess who appreciates good deeds; Virtue; Purity; Tulsi or holy Basil; Sacred; Auspicious; Fair; Worthy 6 Girl-E
Pushti Confirmation; Healthy; Possessor of all wealth; Nourishment; Endorsement 3 Girl-E
Rajam Goddess Lakshmi 7 Girl-E
Rama Goddess Lakshmi; A wife; The Goddess of fortune; Good luck; Riches; Splendor; VermilLion; Red Earth; Name of An Apsara; Epithet of Mahalakshmi; A woman 6 Girl-E
Rooma Goddess Lakshmi; A woman having hairy body 8 Girl-E
Rujula Who endows wealth; Goddess Lakshmi; Soft 2 Girl-E
Samudratanaya Beloved daughter of the ocean of milk 4 Girl-E
Sanghavi Goddess Lakshmi; Assembly; Group 9 Girl-E
Sanvi Goddess Parvati; Glowing; Attractive; Loveable; Goddess Lakshmi 2 Girl-E
Sarvapadravanivarini Dispeller of all distresses 4 Girl-E
Sarvopadrava Nashini The Goddess who destroys all type of troubles 5 Girl-E
Satya Truth; Real; Another name for Durga's and Sita 3 Girl-E
Shanta Peaceful; Calm 9 Girl-E
Shivakari Source of auspicious things 8 Girl-E
Shraddha Veneration; Goddess Chamundi; Worship; Confidence; Fidelity; Respect; Faith 9 Girl-E
Shradha Veneration; Goddess Chamundi; Worship; Confidence; Fidelity; Respect; Faith 5 Girl-E
Shreea Goddess Lakshmi; Auspicious; Luster; Prosperity; Pratham; Shrestha 11 Girl-E
Shreeya Goddess Lakshmi; Auspicious; Luster; Prosperity; Pratham; Shrestha 9 Girl-E
Shrieya Goddess Lakshmi; Auspicious; Luster; Prosperity; Pratham; Shrestha 4 Girl-E
Shrimati Goddess Lakshmi; Fortunate 7 Girl-E
Shrivalli Lord Subramanya’s wife, Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Lakshmi; A kind of plant 11 Girl-E
Shroti Expert in Vedas; Insight; Knowledge of the Vedas 8 Girl-E
Shruti Expert in Vedas; Insight; Knowledge of the Vedas 5 Girl-E
Shubhaprada Granter of auspicious things, Goddess Laxmi 9 Girl-E
Shuchi Pure; Bright; Holy; Worthy 5 Girl-E
Siddhi Achievement; Lord Shiva; Perfection or completion 8 Girl-E
Siddhiksha Goddess Lakshmi; A religious ceremony 11 Girl-E
Sita Goddess Sita; Genus of a bird 4 Girl-E
Smriti Meeting; Remembrance; Memory; Wisdom 7 Girl-E
Sridatri Goddess Lakshmi, Shri - divine, Another name for Lakshmi Datri - Mother 8 Girl-E
Sridevi Goddess Lakshmi; Divine Goddess 5 Girl-E
Srinithi Goddess Lakshmi; Sri - prosperity; Happiness; Good fortune; Success; High rank; Dignity; Sacredness; Glory; Fame; The insignia superhuman power - Nithi - guiding; Manner of conducting; One's self; Moral; Behavior; Prudent counsel; Policy; Political wisdom; The ethics; Presenting; Support 7 Girl-E
Srividya Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati 8 Girl-E
Sthiraa The Goddess who is permanent 4 Girl-E
Straina Soumya Showering goodness on women 5 Girl-E
Sudena Goddess Lakshmi; A real Goddess 1 Girl-E
Sudha Pure; Nectar; Welfare; Lightning; Water; Another name for the river Ganges 8 Girl-E
Sundhuja Goddess Lakshmi; Born of the ocean 8 Girl-E
Swaha Wife of Agni; The Lord of the fire 7 Girl-E
Swapanthi Goddess Lakshmi; Dream like 3 Girl-E
Taruni A young girl; Young woman 11 Girl-E
Udaranga Endowed with a beautiful body 4 Girl-E
Vaaruni The Goddess who is the power of Varuna; A Goddess 5 Girl-E
Vachi Nectar like speech 7 Girl-E
Vagdevi Goddess of learning, Goddess Saraswati 7 Girl-E
Vaidiki The Goddess who is vedic in form 11 Girl-E
Vani Speech 1 Girl-E
Varalakshmi Blessing; Goddess Parvati; Goddess Lakshmi 7 Girl-E
Vararoha Ready to offer boons 3 Girl-E
Vasavi The divine night 2 Girl-E
Vasudha The earth 22 Girl-E
Vasudharini The bearer of the earth 9 Girl-E
Vasundhara The earth 1 Girl-E
Vasuprada Bestower of wealth 4 Girl-E
Vasvi The divine night 1 Girl-E
Vibha Night; The Moon; Beauty; Ray of light; Brilliance 6 Girl-E
Vidya Knowledge; Learning 7 Girl-E
Vikasni Goddess Lakshmi; Brilliant 4 Girl-E
Vimala Pure; Clean; Holy; White; Bright 22 Girl-E
Vimla Pure; Clean; Holy; White; Bright 3 Girl-E
Vimudha Goddess Lakshmi; Who attract with politeness 6 Girl-E
Vishalakshi Large eyed 11 Girl-E
Vishnupatni Consort of Lord Vishnu 9 Girl-E
Vishnuvakshah Residing in the chest of Lord Vishnu 1 Girl-E
Vishwajanani Mother of the universe 5 Girl-E
Vishwambhara The Goddess who supports the universe 8 Girl-E
Yashaswini Victorious; Glorious; Famous; Successful 11 Girl-E
Showing 101 - 168 of 168