Marathi Baby Boy Names Starting With Pa

311 Marathi Boy Names Starting With 'Pa' Found
Showing 201 - 300 of 311
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Paritosh Delight; Satisfaction or Contentment 7 Boy-E
Parityaj To sacrifice 1 Boy-E
Parjanya Hindu God of rain, A name of Lord Vishnu 5 Boy-E
Parkash Light; Bright; Brilliance; Success; Fame; Appearance 11 Boy-E
Parmanand Happiness 1 Boy-E
Parmanda 5 Boy-E
Parmarth Highest truth; Salvation 5 Boy-E
Parmeet Wisdom; Friend of the supreme 6 Boy-E
Parmesh Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu 8 Boy-E
Parmeshwar Super God 5 Boy-E
Parmil Sleepiness 6 Boy-E
Parnabha New Leaf 7 Boy-E
Parnad A brahmin in the epics 9 Boy-E
Parnal Leafy 8 Boy-E
Parnashri Leafy beauty 5 Boy-E
Parnav Bird 9 Boy-E
Paroksh Beyond observaction; Mysterious; Unseen; Indirect; Beyond the horizon; Absence; Invisible 7 Boy-E
Parshad Gracious gift; Sacrament; Purity; Offering 4 Boy-E
Parshav Warrior 4 Boy-E
Parshv Weaponed soldier; Jain God; Short form of Parshvanath; 23rd Tirthankara in Jainism 3 Boy-E
Parshva Weaponed soldier; Jain God; Short form of Parshvanath; 23rd Tirthankara in Jainism 4 Boy-E
Parsva Weaponed soldier; Jain God; Short form of Parshvanath; 23rd Tirthankara in Jainism 5 Boy-E
Partap Glory; Vigour; Strength 9 Boy-E
Parteek Symbol 4 Boy-E
Parth King; Arjun 9 Boy-E
Partha King; Arjun 1 Boy-E
Parthadhwajagrasamvasine Having a principal place on Arjuna's flag 6 Boy-E
Parthail 4 Boy-E
Parthan Courageous; Charioteer of Lord Krishna (Arjun) 6 Boy-E
Parthapratim Like Arjun 6 Boy-E
Parthasarathi Charioteer of Partha, Lord Krishna, Arjuna's charioteer Krishna 5 Boy-E
Parthasarathy Charioteer of Partha, Lord Krishna, Arjuna's charioteer Krishna 3 Boy-E
Parthasarthi Charioteer of Partha - Arjuna 4 Boy-E
Parthav Greatness 5 Boy-E
Partheep Shantanus father 8 Boy-E
Parthey A Name of Lord Krishna 3 Boy-E
Parthiban Another name of king Arjun 8 Boy-E
Parthik Lovely 11 Boy-E
Parthipan Arjun 4 Boy-E
Parthiv Son of the Earth; Brave; Prince of Earth; Earthly 4 Boy-E
Parthivendra Most significant of the kings of the earth 1 Boy-E
Partho Arjun; Son of the Earth King; Prince; Another name of Arjun, Derived from his Mother's name Pritha (Kunti) 6 Boy-E
Parthu 3 Boy-E
Partish Lord of Parti; One of the name of Shri Satya Sai baba 1 Boy-E
Parush Harsh; Keen; Sharp; Knot; Limb; Violent; Arrow limb; Cruel; Pitiless 11 Boy-E
Parv Festival; Strong 3 Boy-E
Parva Festival; Strong 22 Boy-E
Parvan Acceptable; Full Moon 9 Boy-E
Parvat Mountain 6 Boy-E
Parvateshwar God of mountains, Himalaya 8 Boy-E
Parvatinandan Lord Ganesh, Son of Parvathy 9 Boy-E
Parvatipreet Goddess Parvati's inspiration 7 Boy-E
Parvesh Lord of celebration 8 Boy-E
Parwinder God of Gods 9 Boy-E
Pashunath Lord Shiva, Lord of animals 9 Boy-E
Pashunathi Lord of animals, Lord Shiva 9 Boy-E
Pashupathi Lord of animals, Lord of the soul, Name of Shiva, Name of Agni 11 Boy-E
Pashupati Lord of all living beings, Lord of animals, Lord Shiva 3 Boy-E
Pasupath Missile presided over by Lord Shiva 3 Boy-E
Pasupathi Lord of all living beings, Lord of animals, Lord Shiva 3 Boy-E
Pasupati Lord of animals, Lord of the soul, Name of Shiva; Name of Agni 4 Boy-E
Patag The Sun; Bird 9 Boy-E
Patakin The holder of a banner 9 Boy-E
Patanjali Famous Yoga philosopher; The author of Yoga Sutras 3 Boy-E
Pathanjali Famous Yoga philosopher; The author of Yoga Sutras 11 Boy-E
Pathik A traveler 11 Boy-E
Pathin Traveler 5 Boy-E
Patoj Lotus 8 Boy-E
Patr Defender 1 Boy-E
Patralika New leaves 8 Boy-E
Patrik Nobleman 3 Boy-E
Patush Clever 22 Boy-E
Pauras Real man, i.e. the man who have a huge potentials 22 Boy-E
Paurav A descendant of king Puru 7 Boy-E
Paurush Powerful 5 Boy-E
Pav Air; Purification 3 Boy-E
Pavak Purifying; Fire; Brilliant; Pure 6 Boy-E
Pavalan Skilled in literature 22 Boy-E
Pavan Breeze; Wind; Air 9 Boy-E
Pavan Adithya Wind & The Sun 5 Boy-E
Pavan Kumar Lord Hanuman, Son of the wind 1 Boy-E
Pavan Teja Lord Hanuman, Son of Pavan 9 Boy-E
Pavanaj Lord Hanuman, Son of the wind 2 Boy-E
Pavanaputra Lord Hanuman, Son of the wind 5 Boy-E
Pavani Honey; Lord Hanuman; True; Holy 9 Boy-E
Pavankumar Lord Hanuman, Son of the wind 1 Boy-E
Pavanputra Lord Hanuman, Son of the wind 4 Boy-E
Pavansut Lord Hanuman, Son of Pavan 6 Boy-E
Pavansuta Vayu putra which means Lord Hanuman 7 Boy-E
Pavantej Powerful like air 8 Boy-E
Pavel Small 2 Boy-E
Pavesh 8 Boy-E
Pavikaran 3 Boy-E
Pavin The Sun 8 Boy-E
Pavish Truly; Bright 3 Boy-E
Pavit Love 5 Boy-E
Pavith Love 4 Boy-E
Pavithran Pavithra comes from the Indian word which means, "Purity" 1 Boy-E
Pavithru Purity 7 Boy-E
Pavitra Pure 6 Boy-E
Showing 201 - 300 of 311
See Also: Names starting with - P  PA  PE  PI  PO  PU  PH  PHA  PHE  PHI  PHO  PHU  PR  PRA  PRE  PRI  PRO  PRU