Modern Indian Baby Boy Names Starting With G

232 Indian Boy Names Starting With 'G' Found
Showing 201 - 232 of 232
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Gupil A secret 11 Boy-E
Guptak Protected; Guarded; Defended 22 Boy-E
Gurbachan The promise of the Guru 3 Boy-E
Gurcharan The feet of the Guru 1 Boy-E
Gurdeep The lamp of the Guru 4 Boy-E
Gurdev Diety; Almighty God 5 Boy-E
Gurish Lord Shiva 1 Boy-E
Gurjas Fame of Lord 22 Boy-E
Gurman Heart of the Guru 11 Boy-E
Gurmeet A friend of the Guru 8 Boy-E
Gurmukh Pious Man 9 Boy-E
Gurnam Name of a Guru 11 Boy-E
Gursewak Servant of Guru 6 Boy-E
Gursharan Refuge at the Guru 8 Boy-E
Gurtej Grandeur of Guru 9 Boy-E
Guru Teacher; Master; Priest 22 Boy-E
Gurudas Servant to the enlightener; Servant of the Guru 1 Boy-E
Gurudatt Gift of the Guru 4 Boy-E
Gurudev Lord Shiva 8 Boy-E
Gurudeva Master of all; God of Guru 9 Boy-E
Gurudutt Gift of the Guru 6 Boy-E
Gurupada Servant of the Guru 8 Boy-E
Gururaj Master of teacher 6 Boy-E
Gururaja Shri Raghavendra Prabhu; Mantralaya 7 Boy-E
Guruttam The greatest teacher 4 Boy-E
Gutaif Well to do 1 Boy-E
Gyan Knowledge 2 Boy-E
Gyanadeep Lamp of knowledge 6 Boy-E
Gyanav Wise; Learned; Knowledgeable 7 Boy-E
Gyandeep The lamp of divine knowledge 5 Boy-E
Gyandev Lord of knowledge 6 Boy-E
Gyanendra Knowledge 8 Boy-E
Showing 201 - 232 of 232
See Also: Names starting with - G  GA  GE  GI  GO  GU  GH  GHA  GHE  GHI  GHO  GHU  GN  GNA  GNE  GNI  GNO  GNU  GY  GYA  GYE  GYI  GYO  GYU  GR  GRA  GRE  GRI  GRO  GRU  

Popular Indian Boy names beginning with G

Selecting a suitable name for a child has always been a special task for every parent. It requires a lot of thought. This popular collection of Modern Indian Boy names beginning with G will help you to fina a perfect name for your newborn!. This Indian names list contains cute, modern, unique and beautiful names for Boy child. We trust, you will find a perfect name from this list.