Cute Hindu Baby Girl Names Starting With G

56 Hindu Girl Names Starting With 'G' Found
Showing 1 - 56 of 56
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Gaangi Sacred; Pure; Comparable to the Ganges; Another name for Goddess Durga 3 Girl-E
Gaatha Story 2 Girl-E
Gamya Beautiful; A destiny 2 Girl-E
Ganda Knot 9 Girl-E
Gandha Fragrant 8 Girl-E
Ganga River Ganga 3 Girl-E
Gangi Sacred; Pure; Comparable to the Ganges; Another name for Goddess Durga 11 Girl-E
Gangotri Sacred river of India 1 Girl-E
Gargi The person who inspires to think; An ancient scholar 6 Girl-E
Gati Gait; Speed; Path; Obedience; Success; Power of understanding obedience 1 Girl-E
Gaura Fair skinned; White; Beautiful 3 Girl-E
Gauri A fair woman; Goddess Parvati; White; Fair; Beautiful; Brilliant; Another name for the Earth 11 Girl-E
Gaury A fair woman; Goddess Parvati; White; Fair; Beautiful; Brilliant; Another name for the Earth 9 Girl-E
Gavi White Falcon; A forest in Kerala 3 Girl-E
Gavya Garden of God 2 Girl-E
Gaya Wise 7 Girl-E
Geashna Victory 1 Girl-E
Geena Silvery 5 Girl-E
Geeta The holy book of the Hindus; Song; Poem; The Bhagavad Gita; The renowned Hindu religious treatise on philosophy and morality 2 Girl-E
Geetha The holy book of the Hindus; Song 1 Girl-E
Geeti A song; World; Universe 1 Girl-E
Geetu Variant of Sanskrit word Geet meaning song 22 Girl-E
Geshna Singer 9 Girl-E
Geya Song 2 Girl-E
Ghanya SINGING 11 Girl-E
Ghata Changing weather 1 Girl-E
Gheethi Melody 8 Girl-E
Ghena Ornament 8 Girl-E
Ghosha Resounding; A proclamation; Noise; Fame 4 Girl-E
Gini Gold 3 Girl-E
Gira Language 8 Girl-E
Gishu Radiance 1 Girl-E
Gita The holy book of the Hindus; Song; Poem; The Bhagavad Gita; The renowned Hindu religious treatise on philosophy and morality 1 Girl-E
Githa Gift 9 Girl-E
Giva Hill 3 Girl-E
Gnya Famous; Scholar 2 Girl-E
Gomya Nice and Graceful 7 Girl-E
Gool Flower; Rose; Red; Precious; Fortune 22 Girl-E
Gopa Gautama's wife 3 Girl-E
Gopi Milkmaid friends of Lord Krishna 11 Girl-E
Gopika A cowherd; Cowherd woman; Defender; One who protect cows; Another name for Raadha 5 Girl-E
Gopu Smart 5 Girl-E
Gori A fair woman; Goddess Parvati; White; Fair; Beautiful; Brilliant; Another name for the Earth 4 Girl-E
Goura Fair skinned; White; Beautiful 8 Girl-E
Goushwa 4 Girl-E
Grahi Accepting 7 Girl-E
Greesha Vigilant 9 Girl-E
Greha Planet 3 Girl-E
Greshy Loves God; Graceful 1 Girl-E
Griva Girls who have beautiful singing throat 3 Girl-E
Gruni Light; Sparkle 6 Girl-E
Gul Flower; Rose; Red; Precious; Fortune 4 Girl-E
Gunja Beauty 8 Girl-E
Gyaana Full of knowledge; A Devi name 22 Girl-E
Gyana Full of knowledge; A Devi name 3 Girl-E
Gyani Most Intelligent; Full of Knowledge; Intelligent 11 Girl-E