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Name | Meaning | Numerology | Gender | Fav |
Narinderpal | Protector of a Man of the God of Heaven | 4 | Boy-E | |
Naritpal | Protector of king | 1 | Boy-E | |
Naseer | Helper of God; One who helps; Assister; Friend; One who scatters; Exposer; Announcer; Protector; Supporter | 8 | Boy-E | |
Naser | Helper of God; One who helps; Assister; Friend; One who scatters; Exposer; Announcer; Protector; Supporter | 3 | Boy-E | |
Nashir | Helper of God; One who helps; Assister; Friend; One who scatters; Exposer; Announcer; Protector; Supporter | 6 | Boy-E | |
Nasir | Helper of God; One who helps; Assister; Friend; One who scatters; Exposer; Announcer; Protector; Supporter | 7 | Boy-E | |
Nasir Al Din | Protector of the faith | 11 | Boy-E | |
Nasser Udeen | Protector of the faith | 8 | Boy-E | |
Nath | Lord; Protector | 7 | Boy-E | |
Nathan | Gift from God; Rewarded; Given; Giving; Desire; Protector; Lord; Another name for Krishna | 22 | Boy-E | |
Neerajpaul | Protector of lotus | 4 | Boy-E | |
Neetipal | Protector of law | 1 | Boy-E | |
Nekpaal | Protector of nobility | 6 | Boy-E | |
Padampal | Protector of the Lotus | 1 | Boy-E | |
Palwinderpal | Protector of Lord's moments | 5 | Boy-E | |
Pavitpal | Protector of the holy person | 7 | Boy-E | |
Pritampal | Protector of the beloved | 7 | Boy-E | |
Prithipal | Beloved cherisher; Protector | 1 | Boy-E | |
Prithvipal | Beloved cherisher; Protector | 5 | Boy-E | |
Pritpal | God; The loving caretaker; Earth; Pledge keeper; Beloved cherisher; Protector | 11 | Boy-E | |
Rai Kumar | Mighty protector | 11 | Boy-E | |
Rajanpal | Protector of the king | 1 | Boy-E | |
Rajprateek | The protector king | 6 | Boy-E | |
Rakhnaam | One whose protector is Naam | 4 | Boy-E | |
Rakhwinder | Brave protector | 3 | Boy-E | |
Rakshan | Protector | 9 | Boy-E | |
Ramanbir | One whose protector is naam | 4 | Boy-E | |
Ramgeet | Protector of Lord; Lord's friend | 6 | Boy-E | |
Ramjeet | Protector of the dominion of God; Light of the beloved God | 9 | Boy-E | |
Ransher | Battlefields protector | 11 | Boy-E | |
Rasjog | One whose life is full of the elixir of naam; Defender; Protector | 7 | Boy-E | |
Raxit | Protector; Guard | 9 | Boy-E | |
Rompreet | Protector of traditions | 11 | Boy-E | |
Roopbir | Protector of traditions | 3 | Boy-E | |
Sachpreet | Protector of truth; True at heart | 5 | Boy-E | |
Sanat | Lord Brahma; Eternal; Accompanied by a protector; Immortal; Another name of Brahma | 1 | Boy-E | |
Sanath | Lord Brahma; Eternal; Accompanied by a protector; Immortal; Another name of Brahma | 9 | Boy-E | |
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Sannath | Lord Brahma; Eternal; Accompanied by a protector | 5 | Boy-E | |
Sarvapalaka | Protector of all; Lord Krishna | 4 | Boy-E | |
Sarvatman | Protector of the universe | 1 | Boy-E | |
Satpal | Protector | 6 | Boy-E | |
Sawarajpal | Protector of own rule | 3 | Boy-E | |
Sharanatrana Tatpara | Protector of devotees | 4 | Boy-E | |
Sherpaul | Protector of lion | 1 | Boy-E | |
Shreegopal | Lord Krishna; A protector of the Earth; A king; An epithet of Krishna; An epithet of Shiva; Name of a Nag | 7 | Boy-E | |
Shri Gopal | Lord Krishna; A protector of the Earth; A king; An epithet of Krishna; A designation of Shiva; Name of a Nag | 6 | Boy-E | |
Sohanpal | Protector of beauty | 5 | Boy-E | |
Subhpal | Auspicious protector | 7 | Boy-E | |
Sukhbirpal | Protector of a warrior of peace | 9 | Boy-E | |
Sukhpal | Protector of peace | 7 | Boy-E | |
Sumerpaul | Protector of the gold mountain | 9 | Boy-E | |
Swarajpal | Protector of own rule | 11 | Boy-E | |
Tajinderpal | Protector of splendid God | 11 | Boy-E | |
Tapanpal | Protector of warmth | 9 | Boy-E | |
Tarak | Star; Pupil of an eye; Protector | 6 | Boy-E | |
Taranpal | Protector of redemption | 11 | Boy-E | |
Tareq | Star; Pupil of an eye; Protector | 7 | Boy-E | |
Tarunpal | Protector of youthfulness | 4 | Boy-E | |
Tejpal | Protector of splendor; Quick | 1 | Boy-E | |
Trilokarakshaka | Protector of the three worlds | 3 | Boy-E | |
Tripal | Protector of three worlds | 4 | Boy-E | |
Uchitpal | Protector of right | 9 | Boy-E | |
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Uchpal | Protector of elevation | 7 | Boy-E | |
Uddampal | Protector of effort | 9 | Boy-E | |
Uditpal | Shinning protector | 11 | Boy-E | |
Veerpal | Heroic protector; Protector of the brave | 7 | Boy-E | |
Vinitpaul | Protector of modesty | 7 | Boy-E | |
Virpal | Heroic protector; Protector of the brave | 6 | Boy-E | |
Vishwpal | Protector of the World | 11 | Boy-E | |
Waali | Governor; Protector | 1 | Boy-E | |
Wali | Governor; Protector | 9 | Boy-E | |
Yashpal | Protector of fame | 1 | Boy-E | |
Yogeshpal | Protector of Yoga | 9 | Boy-E | |
Yuvrajpal | Protector of the crown Prince | 9 | Boy-E | |
Zar Wali | Wali means Governor; Protector | 9 | Boy-E | |
Zareenapal | Protector of gold | 9 | Boy-E | |
Ziad | Protector of light | 22 | Boy-E |
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