Easy To Pronounce Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With R

370 Hindu Boy Names Starting With 'R' Found
Showing 201 - 300 of 370
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Rijish Bhagavath Prasad (Divine gift from God) 1 Boy-E
Rijut Honesty; Innocence 6 Boy-E
Rikesh Lord Krishna; One who knows rigveda; One who knows hymns recited at a religious ceremony 7 Boy-E
Rikhav A King 6 Boy-E
Rikhil Eternity; Eternal 4 Boy-E
Rikin Powerful; Glory 7 Boy-E
Rikshit Tested one; Proven 4 Boy-E
Rikunj Young 11 Boy-E
Rilav 8 Boy-E
Rimansh 1 Boy-E
Rinan Lord Ganesh 11 Boy-E
Rineesh Success; Love 6 Boy-E
Rinkit Friendly, Great Mankind, Charismatic 9 Boy-E
Rinshi One with all knowledge 5 Boy-E
Rion King 11 Boy-E
Ripan The first light at the horizon 4 Boy-E
Ripu Enemy 1 Boy-E
Risabh Morality; Superior 3 Boy-E
Risanth A win over the Enemy 8 Boy-E
Rish Brave & dominant ruler 9 Boy-E
Rishaan Lord Shiva; Good human being; Strong; Good 7 Boy-E
Rishaank Devotee of Lord Shiva 9 Boy-E
Rishab Morality; Superior; Excellent; A musical note; Bull 3 Boy-E
Rishabh Morality; Superior; Excellent; A musical note; Bull 11 Boy-E
Rishan Lord Shiva; Good human being; Strong; Good 6 Boy-E
Rishank A devotee of Lord Shiva 8 Boy-E
Rishant One who never give up; Cheerful 8 Boy-E
Rishap Yellowish brown eyed 8 Boy-E
Rishat The Best 3 Boy-E
Rishav Morality; Superior; Excellent; A musical note; Bull 5 Boy-E
Risheek Lord Shiva; An ascetic; A sage 3 Boy-E
Rishen Good human being 1 Boy-E
Rishhan Lord Shiva; Good human being; Strong; Good 5 Boy-E
Rishi Pleasure; Sage; Ray of light; Wise; Pious; Light 9 Boy-E
Rishik Lord Shiva; An ascetic; A sage 11 Boy-E
Rishil 3 Boy-E
Rishim Sage 4 Boy-E
Rishit The best; Learned 11 Boy-E
Rishith The best; Learned 1 Boy-E
Rishiv Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva combined 4 Boy-E
Rishon First 11 Boy-E
Rishov A second member of Saptak, i.e. Saat Sur 1 Boy-E
Risi Pleasure; Sage; Ray of light; Wise; Pious; Light 1 Boy-E
Risu To rise; Honest 22 Boy-E
Ritain 8 Boy-E
Ritam Honest; Divine truth; True; Stable; Law; Justice; Duty 7 Boy-E
Ritap Guarding divine truth 1 Boy-E
Ritesh Lord of seasons; Lord of truth 7 Boy-E
Rithan Britain 7 Boy-E
Rithav A person who works hard; Name is taken from Lord Vishnu Shahasranam 6 Boy-E
Ritheesh Strongest; Lord of Truth 11 Boy-E
Rithesh Lord of seasons; Lord of truth 6 Boy-E
Rithik From the heart; Stream 3 Boy-E
Rithin Rich; Victor in wars 6 Boy-E
Rithish Strongest; Lord of Truth 1 Boy-E
Rithul Truth seeking; Talented 7 Boy-E
Rithun Teacher; Friendly; Confidence 9 Boy-E
Rithysh Strongest; Lord of Truth 8 Boy-E
Ritik Name of a sage; From the heart 4 Boy-E
Ritil Creeper of Love 5 Boy-E
Rituj Conqueror of seasons 6 Boy-E
Ritul Truth seeking; Talented 8 Boy-E
Rivaan Horse rider; A star; Ambitious and self sufficient 11 Boy-E
Rivan Horse rider; A star 1 Boy-E
Rivansh Lord Vishnu; Lord of Lords; Son of God 1 Boy-E
Riyaan Lord Vishnu; Lord of Lords; Son of God 5 Boy-E
Riyadh Gardens 11 Boy-E
Riyah Comfort 7 Boy-E
Riyan A door of Heaven; King 4 Boy-E
Riyansh First ray of sunlight; Lord Vishnu's Ansh (Ansh = part) 4 Boy-E
Riyanshu First Ray of sunlight 7 Boy-E
Riyash Heaven 8 Boy-E
Roabesh Intelligent 5 Boy-E
Robin Fame; Bright; Ascending; Another name for Vishnu 4 Boy-E
Roble Born during the rainy season; Money 7 Boy-E
Rochak Tasty; Illuminating; Pleasant 11 Boy-E
Rochit Glorious; Delighting; Wonderous 1 Boy-E
Rochith Glorious; Delighting; Wonderous 9 Boy-E
Rohaan A river in paradise; Ascending; Blossom; Another name for Vishnu; Finest Indian steel; Rising 3 Boy-E
Rohak Rising; Ascending 8 Boy-E
Rohan A river in paradise; Ascending; Blossom; Another name for Vishnu; Finest Indian steel; Rising 11 Boy-E
Rohant Ascending 4 Boy-E
Rohanth Ascending 3 Boy-E
Rohesh Lord Vishnu 1 Boy-E
Rohil Armored battle maiden 8 Boy-E
Rohit Red; The Sun; Jewellery; A rainbow; Blood 7 Boy-E
Rohith Red; The Sun; Jewellery; A rainbow; Blood 6 Boy-E
Rohni 1 Boy-E
Roith 7 Boy-E
Rojith Bright 8 Boy-E
Rokit Embrace 1 Boy-E
Roman From Rome 7 Boy-E
Romana Romantic 8 Boy-E
Romeet Enjoying 4 Boy-E
Romeo One who has made a pilgrimage to Rome 3 Boy-E
Romesh God of Lord Rama; Lord Vishnu 6 Boy-E
Romi Wealth; Money 1 Boy-E
Romik Magnet; Salt 3 Boy-E
Romil Full of Love; Cheerful 4 Boy-E
Romir Interesting; Pleasant 1 Boy-E
Showing 201 - 300 of 370
See Also: Names starting with - R  RA  RE  RI  RO  RU  RR  RRA  RRE  RRI  RRO  RRU