Easy To Pronounce Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With R

370 Hindu Boy Names Starting With 'R' Found
Showing 301 - 370 of 370
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Romit Enjoying 3 Boy-E
Ronav One who embodies grace and charm, Aka. handsome 7 Boy-E
Ronit Embellishment; To be charming; Song; Tune 4 Boy-E
Ronith Embellishment; To be charming; Song; Tune 3 Boy-E
Ronny Rules with counsel; A form of Ronald from Reynold 5 Boy-E
Rony Holy name 9 Boy-E
Roopak Lord ramatic composition; Sign; Feature 4 Boy-E
Roopesh Looks like Ishwar; The supreme God of Hindu; Lord of beauty 6 Boy-E
Roopesha Looks like Ishwar; The supreme God of Hindu; Lord of beauty 7 Boy-E
Rosan Shine 22 Boy-E
Roshen Light; Producing light 7 Boy-E
Roshith The perfect person 7 Boy-E
Rothak The Sun 1 Boy-E
Rouble Born during the rainy season; Money 1 Boy-E
Rounak Light or happiness 8 Boy-E
Rownak The Happiness of family; Khushali 1 Boy-E
Roxit Brave; Honest 5 Boy-E
Ruaan Soft 1 Boy-E
Rubesh God of Beauty 1 Boy-E
Rubin Bright 1 Boy-E
Ruch Radiant; Bright; Brilliant; Good; Attractive 5 Boy-E
Ruchak Large; Aggriable; Goodluck; Pleasant; Melodious; Attractive; Golden 8 Boy-E
Ruchir Beautiful; Pleasant; Brilliant; Handsome 5 Boy-E
Ruchit Bright; Shining; Pleasant; Brilliant; Happy 7 Boy-E
Ruder 3 Boy-E
Rudhir Rudra 6 Boy-E
Rudhvi Lord Shiva 1 Boy-E
Ruhan Kind hearted; Spiritual 8 Boy-E
Ruheel Mounted; Grown; Ascended; Rising 6 Boy-E
Ruhu Spiritual 5 Boy-E
Ruisha Shelter 4 Boy-E
Rujul Simple; Honest 1 Boy-E
Rukesh Full-Moon day; Ruler 1 Boy-E
Runaksh 11 Boy-E
Runal A companionate person; Kind to others 3 Boy-E
Runav Goddess Lakshmi 22 Boy-E
Runik Young girl 1 Boy-E
Rup Look; Blessed with beauty; Shape; Beauty 1 Boy-E
Rupak Lord ramatic composition; Sign; Feature 22 Boy-E
Rupam Beautiful 6 Boy-E
Rupan Beautiful 7 Boy-E
Rupang Beautiful 5 Boy-E
Rupesh Looks like Ishwar; The supreme God of Hindu; Lord of beauty 6 Boy-E
Rupik Gold or silver coin; Shapely 3 Boy-E
Rupin Embodied beauty 6 Boy-E
Rushaal Higher then charming 8 Boy-E
Rushab Decoration 6 Boy-E
Rushabh A musical note; Superior; Morality; Bull; Excellent 5 Boy-E
Rushang Son of saint 7 Boy-E
Rushank Lord Shiva; Charming enlightment 11 Boy-E
Rushant Moon 11 Boy-E
Rushanth Moon 1 Boy-E
Rushat Bright; Shining; Brilliant; White 6 Boy-E
Rusheek Son of a saint; Lord of the Earth 6 Boy-E
Rushi Sag 3 Boy-E
Rushik Son of a saint; Lord of the Earth 5 Boy-E
Rushil Charming; Polite; Aimable 6 Boy-E
Rushit Prosperity 5 Boy-E
Rushits 6 Boy-E
Rutansh Truth 11 Boy-E
Ruteesh Kind of seasons 6 Boy-E
Rutesh Kind of seasons 1 Boy-E
Ruthik Goddess Parvati; Compassionate 6 Boy-E
Ruthul Soft natured 1 Boy-E
Ruthvi Name of an Angel meaning season; Love and saint; Speech 8 Boy-E
Ruveen 4 Boy-E
Rwiju Straight; Erected 9 Boy-E
Ryaansh Visible 5 Boy-E
Ryna King 22 Boy-E
Rythm Music 3 Boy-E
Showing 301 - 370 of 370
See Also: Names starting with - R  RA  RE  RI  RO  RU  RR  RRA  RRE  RRI  RRO  RRU