Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With Sh

669 Hindu Boy Names Starting With 'Sh' Found
Showing 601 - 669 of 669
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Shubhang Lord Shiva; Handsome limbed; Beautifully formed; Elegant; Epithet of Vishnu and Shiva 8 Boy-E
Shubhank 3 Boy-E
Shubhankar Auspicious 4 Boy-E
Shubhansha New light 11 Boy-E
Shubhashis Blessing 6 Boy-E
Shubhasunad Blessing 1 Boy-E
Shubhay Blessing 3 Boy-E
Shubhendu Auspicious Moon 3 Boy-E
Shubhit Graceful; Adorned 6 Boy-E
Shubhlaxmi Goddess Lakshmi 9 Boy-E
Shubhojit Handsome 4 Boy-E
Shubhranil Pure 4 Boy-E
Shubhranshu The first drop of nature water; The Moon; White 4 Boy-E
Shubhratho Well-born 3 Boy-E
Shubhung Beautiful 1 Boy-E
Shubojith Handsome 4 Boy-E
Shubranshu The Moon 5 Boy-E
Shuchaye Chaste 9 Boy-E
Shuchet Fame 3 Boy-E
Shuchih He who is spotlessly clean 4 Boy-E
Shuchit A person with a sound mind; Sensible; Intelligent; Informed; Pure; Focussed; Another name for Brahma 7 Boy-E
Shuddhashil Wellborn 5 Boy-E
Shuddhavigraha One who has a pure body 5 Boy-E
Shudhir Symbol of smile; Resolute; Brave; Bright 6 Boy-E
Shuk A Parrot; Bright 5 Boy-E
Shukra Resplendent; The Venus planet; Friday; Bright; Pure; White; Another name for Agini 6 Boy-E
Shuktij Pearl 8 Boy-E
Shulabh Easy to get; Natural 8 Boy-E
Shulandhar Lord Shiva, The one who bears the Shul 7 Boy-E
Shulank Marked by a spear; Distinguished; Another name for Shiva 5 Boy-E
Shuli Lord Shiva 6 Boy-E
Shulin One who has a trident, Lord Shiva 11 Boy-E
Shumni Ray of hope 3 Boy-E
Shun Good-natured; Auspicious; Another name for Vaayu and Indra 8 Boy-E
Shuna Lord Indra; A water pot 9 Boy-E
Shur Valiant; Bold; Mighty; Brave; Lion; Tiger 3 Boy-E
Shuraj The Sun; Illuminating 5 Boy-E
Shurya The Sun 11 Boy-E
Shushant Very silent 11 Boy-E
Shushanth Peaceful; Calm 1 Boy-E
Shushen Lord Vishnu; He who has a charming army 4 Boy-E
Shushil Good character man or well behaved; Good conduct 6 Boy-E
Shuvenkar 11 Boy-E
Shvant Placid 3 Boy-E
Shvetambar One who wears white clothes 1 Boy-E
Shvetang Fair complexion 6 Boy-E
Shvetank Having a white mark 1 Boy-E
Shvetanshu The Moon 11 Boy-E
Shvetavah Lord Indra; Borne by white horses 7 Boy-E
Shwam Lord; Supreme spirit 1 Boy-E
Shwenu 9 Boy-E
Shwet White 3 Boy-E
Shwetahardik God 1 Boy-E
Shwetambar One who wears white clothes 11 Boy-E
Shwetang Fair complexion 7 Boy-E
Shwetanshu The Moon 3 Boy-E
Shwetavahanan Another name of Arjun; One with white horses mounted to his chariot 11 Boy-E
Shwetbhanu The Moon 4 Boy-E
Shwethaketu Son of Aruni and Udhalaka 6 Boy-E
Shyalin Spot 7 Boy-E
Shyam Dark blue; Black, A name of Lord Krishna 3 Boy-E
Shyamak Lord Krishna; Dark; Name of a brother of Vasudeva; A kind of plant 6 Boy-E
Shyamanga Dark skinned one 8 Boy-E
Shyamantak A jewel of Lord Vishnu 5 Boy-E
Shyamsundar Lord Krishna; Cloud coloured and beautiful; One with the beauty of the evening 8 Boy-E
Shyamsundara Lord of the beautiful evenings 9 Boy-E
Shyamsunder Lord Krishna; Cloud colored and beautiful; One with the beauty of an evening 3 Boy-E
Shyjith 9 Boy-E
Shyoji Yashshavi (Glorious) 5 Boy-E
Showing 601 - 669 of 669
See Also: Names starting with - S  SA  SE  SI  SO  SU  SH  SHA  SHE  SHI  SHO  SHU  SR  SRA  SRE  SRI  SRO  SRU