Kannada Baby Boy Names Starting With J

516 Kannada Boy Names Starting With 'J' Found
Showing 401 - 500 of 516
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Jinen (ಜೀನೇ) Lord of victory 7 Boy-E
Jinendra (ಜಿನೇನ್ದ್ರ) Lord of life 3 Boy-E
Jinesh (ಜೀನೇಶ) Name of a Jain god; Lord of victors 11 Boy-E
Jineshwar (ಜಿನೇಶ್ವರ) God 8 Boy-E
Jinshith (ಜಿನಶಿತ) 7 Boy-E
Jipsu (ಜೀಪಸು) Sun 3 Boy-E
Jiral (ಜೀರಲ) Spear warrior 5 Boy-E
Jishanth (ಜೀಶಾಂತ) A person having the highest feelings 8 Boy-E
Jishnu (ಜಿಷ್ಣು) Triumphant 9 Boy-E
Jishu (ಜೀಶುಂ) God 22 Boy-E
Jitain (ಜಿತೇನ) 9 Boy-E
Jitakrodha (ಜಿತಕ್ರೋಧಾ) Conqueror of anger 7 Boy-E
Jitamitra (ಜಿತಮಿತ್ರ) Vanquisher of foes 11 Boy-E
Jitarth (ಜೀತಾರ್ಥ) 5 Boy-E
Jitavarashaye (ಜಿತವಾರಾಶಾಯೇ) Conqueror of the Ocean 5 Boy-E
Jiten (ಜೀತೇನ) Victorious 22 Boy-E
Jitendra (ಜೀತೇನ್ದ್ರ) Lord of conquerors; One who can conquer Lord Indra 9 Boy-E
Jitendriya (ಜಿತೇನ್ದ್ರಿಯ) The controller of the senses 7 Boy-E
Jitesh (ಜೀತೇಶ) God of victory; Winner 8 Boy-E
Jith (ಜೀತ) Victory 2 Boy-E
Jithakam (ಜೀತಕಮ) The won who wins over desires 1 Boy-E
Jithan (ಜೀತನ) Victorious 8 Boy-E
Jithendra (ಜೀತೇನ್ದ್ರ) Lord of conquerors; One who can conquer Lord Indra 8 Boy-E
Jithendriyan (ಜಿತೇನ್ದ್ರಿಯಂ) The one who wins over senses 11 Boy-E
Jithesh (ಜೀತೇಶ) God of victory; Winner 7 Boy-E
Jithin (ಜೀತೀನ) Undefeatable 7 Boy-E
Jithul (ಜೀಥುಲ) pure 8 Boy-E
Jithush (ಜಿತುಷ) 5 Boy-E
Jitin (ಜೀತೀನ) Undefeatable 8 Boy-E
Jitu (ಜೀತುಂ, ಜೀತುಂ) Always winner 6 Boy-E
Jiva (ಜೀವಾ) Life; Immortal 6 Boy-E
Jivaj (ಜಿವಜ) Full of life; Born; Living 7 Boy-E
Jival (ಜೀವಲ) Full of life; Inspiring; Lively; Causing victory 9 Boy-E
Jivan (ಜೀವನ) Life; Life-giving; Bringer of life 2 Boy-E
Jivana (ಜೀವನಾ) Life; Feminine of Jovian derived from Jove who was the Roman mythological Jupiter and father of the Sky; One of 108 names of the Sun God 3 Boy-E
Jivandeep (ಜೀವನದೀಪ ; ಜೀವನದೀಪ ; ಜೀವನದೀಪ) The lamp of life 7 Boy-E
Jivansh (ಜೀವಾಂಶ) Part of soul 11 Boy-E
Jivesh (ಜೀವೇಶ) God; Courageous 1 Boy-E
Jivin (ಜೀವಿನ) To give life 1 Boy-E
Jivitesh (ಜೀವಿತೇಶ) God 3 Boy-E
Jivraj (ಜೀವರಾಜ) Lord of life 7 Boy-E
Jivram (ಜೀವರಾಮ) Lord of life 1 Boy-E
Jiwan (ಜೀವನ) Life; Life-giving; Bringer of life 3 Boy-E
Jiya Ram (ಜೀಯಾ ರಾಮ) God's name; Heart of Lord Rama's 5 Boy-E
Jiyaan (ಜಿಯಾನ) Near heart; Always happy 6 Boy-E
Jiyan (ಜಿಯಾನ) Near heart; Always happy 5 Boy-E
Jiyansh (ಜಿಯಾಂಶ) Full of Knowledge; Long Life; Part of Your Heart; Part of Life; Daring; Persuasive 5 Boy-E
Jnya (ಜನ್ಯ) Means a lot of energy and is very strong 5 Boy-E
Jnyandeep (ಜನಯಾಂದೀಪ) Light of knowledge 4 Boy-E
Jnyaneshwar (ಜ್ಞಾನೇಶ್ವರ) God of wisdom 3 Boy-E
Jogedra (ಜೋಗೇದ್ರ) Lord Shiva 6 Boy-E
Jogendra (ಜೋಗೇನ್ದ್ರ) Lord Jagannath and Lord Indra; Lord Shiva 11 Boy-E
Jogesh (ಜೋಗೇಶ) Lord Shiva, An epithet of Shiva; Lord of Yogis 1 Boy-E
Jogi (ಜೋಗೀ) Shiv 5 Boy-E
Jogindra (ಜೋಗಿಂದ್ರ) Lord Jagannath and Lord Indra; Lord Shiva 6 Boy-E
Jograj (ಜೋಗರಾಜ) Lord Krishna; Lord of ascetics 7 Boy-E
Jokith (ಜೋಕಿತ) God; Lord Krishna 1 Boy-E
Jonty (ಜೋನ್ಟೀ) God has given 3 Boy-E
Joshana (ಜೋಶನಾ) Like a happiness 5 Boy-E
Joshi (ಜೋಶೀ) Lord Vishnu; Light bringer or reflect light like Sun 7 Boy-E
Joshila (ಜೋಶೀಲಾ) Filled with enthusiasm 11 Boy-E
Joshit (ಜೋಷಿತ) Pleased; Delighted 9 Boy-E
Joshith (ಜೋಷಿತ) Pleased; Delighted 8 Boy-E
Joshnav (ಜೋಶ್ನಾವ) Happy 8 Boy-E
Joshva (ಜೋಶ್ವಾ) Funny 3 Boy-E
Jothiraj (ಜೋತಿರಾಜ) King of light; Fire 1 Boy-E
Jovils (ಜೋವಿಲ್ಸ) God is gracious 6 Boy-E
Jovith (ಜೋವೀಥ) jewel 3 Boy-E
Joyal (ಜೋಯಲ) Joyful Person 9 Boy-E
Joydeep (ಜಾಯದೀಪ) Victory light 8 Boy-E
Joyel (ಜೋಯೇಲ) Lord of god 22 Boy-E
Jubin (ಜುಬೀನ) Honorable; Righteous 2 Boy-E
Jugal (ಜುಗಲ) Couple; Pair 6 Boy-E
Jugal Kishor (ಜುಗಲಕಿಶೋರ) Lord Krishna; A pair of adolescents; A form of Krishna with adolescent Radha 5 Boy-E
Jugnu (ಜುಗನೂ) A firefly; Ornament 1 Boy-E
Juhit (ಜುಹಿತ) Brightness; Jasmine flower 5 Boy-E
Juhith (ಜುಹಿತ) Brightness; Jasmine flower 4 Boy-E
Jujhar (ಜುಝಾರ) One who struggles 5 Boy-E
Jusal (ಜುಸಲ) Pari fairy 9 Boy-E
Jushk (ಜುಷ್ಕ) Lover; Religious; Worthy 6 Boy-E
Jusht (ಜುಷ್ಟ) Amiable; Happy; Auspicious; Worshipped 6 Boy-E
Juvas (ಜುವಾಸ) Quickness; Swiftness 1 Boy-E
Jvitesh (ಜ್ವೀತೇಶ) God 3 Boy-E
Jwalan (ಜ್ವಲನ) Fire 7 Boy-E
Jwalant (ಜ್ವಲಂತ) Luminous 9 Boy-E
Jwalanth (ಜ್ವಲಂತ) Luminous 8 Boy-E
Jwalaprasad (ಜ್ವಾಲಾಪ್ರಸಾದ) Gift of flame 7 Boy-E
Jwalia (ಜ್ವಾಲಿಯಾ) Lord Shiva; Jwaila means flames 2 Boy-E
Jwalit (ಜ್ವಲಿತ) Jwalit (Burning) 3 Boy-E
Jyanshu (ಜ್ಯಾಂಶು) Name of Lord Hanuman 8 Boy-E
Jyesh (ಜಯೇಶ) Victor 22 Boy-E
Jyot (ಜ್ಯೋತ) Brilliant 7 Boy-E
Jyotesh (ಜ್ಯೋತೇಶ) Lord who gives light; Lord Vishnu 3 Boy-E
Jyotheswaran (ಜ್ಯೋತಿಸ್ವರಂ) 6 Boy-E
Jyothir (ಜ್ಯೋತಿರ) The resplendence of the Sun 6 Boy-E
Jyothiranjan (ಜ್ಯೋತಿರಂಜನ) Happy; Joyous; Flame 1 Boy-E
Jyothirdhar (ಜ್ಯೋತಿರ್ಧರ) One who holds the flame; The Sun 1 Boy-E
Jyothis (ಜ್ಯೋತಿಸ) Light of the Sun; Astrologer; Luminous or bright or glowing 7 Boy-E
Jyothish (ಜ್ಯೋತಿಷ) Light of the Sun; Astrologer; Luminous or bright or glowing 6 Boy-E
Jyothishkar (ಜ್ಯೋತೀಸ್ಕಾರ) A kind of flower 9 Boy-E
Showing 401 - 500 of 516
See Also: Names starting with - J  JA  JE  JI  JO  JU  JH  JHA  JHE  JHI  JHO  JHU  JN  JNA  JNE  JNI  JNO  JNU  JR  JRA  JRE  JRI  JRO  JRU  

Popular Kannada Boy names beginning with J

Selecting a suitable name for a child has always been a special task for every parent. It requires a lot of thought. This popular collection of Modern Kannada Boy names beginning with J will help you to fina a perfect name for your newborn!. This Kannada names list contains cute, modern, unique and beautiful names for Boy child. We trust, you will find a perfect name from this list.