Kannada Baby Boy Names Starting With L

232 Kannada Boy Names Starting With 'L' Found
Showing 101 - 200 of 232
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Lavnay (ಲಾವಣ್ಯ) 3 Boy-E
Lavnya (ಲಾವಣ್ಯ) Beauty; Grace 3 Boy-E
Lavyansh (ಲಾವ್ಯಂಶ) Ansh of Love (Part of Love) 3 Boy-E
Laxman (ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮಣ) Prosperous; Brother of Lord Rama; Born to give 2 Boy-E
Laxmi Kant (ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀಕಾಂತ) Lord Vishnu, Consort of Goddess Lakshmi 6 Boy-E
Laxmi Narayana (ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀ ನಾರಾಯಣ) Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi 8 Boy-E
Laxmi Priya (ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀ ಪ್ರಿಯ) Tulsi; Lord Vishnu (One who is beloved to Goddess Laxmi) 11 Boy-E
Laxmi Srinivas (ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀ ಶ್ರೀನಿವಾಸ) Beautiful 8 Boy-E
Laxmikant (ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀಕಾಂತ) It is name of Lord Vishnu 6 Boy-E
Laxminarayana (ಲಕ್ಷ್ಮೀನಾರಾಯನಾ) Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi 8 Boy-E
Lay (ಲಯ) From the meadow farm; Concentration; Peace; Another name for Brahman or the supreme spirit; Small; Bit; A moment of time; Harvesting; The son of God Ram 11 Boy-E
Layak (ಲಾಯಕ) Fit; Clever; Capable 5 Boy-E
Layam (ಲಯಮ) Rhythm 7 Boy-E
Leeladhar (ಲೀಲಾಧರ) Lord Vishnu; One who indulges in play; Pastime; An epithet of Krishna; Epithet of Vishnu 3 Boy-E
Leelakar (ಲೀಲಾಕರ) Lord Krishna; Capable; One who works miracles; One of many names of Lord Krishna 11 Boy-E
Leelash (ಲೀಲಾಶ) Intelligent 8 Boy-E
Lehan (ಲೇಹನ) One who refuses 22 Boy-E
Lekh (ಲೇಖ) Document; Writing; Signature; Deity 9 Boy-E
Lekhak (ಲೇಖಕ) An author 3 Boy-E
Lekhan (ಲೇಖನ) Writing; Article 6 Boy-E
Lekhit (ಲೇಖಿತ) Written 11 Boy-E
Lekith (ಲೇಖಿತ) Written 11 Boy-E
Lemana (ಲೇಮಾಂನಾ) the she-oak tree 1 Boy-E
Lemar (ಲೇಮಾರ) Talented one 22 Boy-E
Lemmie (ಲಮ್ಮೀ) Devoted to the Lord 3 Boy-E
Lenin (ಲೇನಿನ) Lover 9 Boy-E
Lepaksh (ಲೇಪಕ್ಷ) Having painted eyes 9 Boy-E
Lesh (ಲೇಶ) Small portion; Littleness; Particle or atom; Small; Bit; A little song 8 Boy-E
Leshan (ಲೇಶಾನ) Defender of humanity 5 Boy-E
Lian (ಲಿಯನ) Lotus 9 Boy-E
Libeesh (ಲೀಬಿಶ) 6 Boy-E
Libhan (ಲಿಭಾನ) 1 Boy-E
Libni (ಲಿಬ್ನೀ) Manuscripts of God 1 Boy-E
Lidin (ಲಿದಿನ) Special 3 Boy-E
Liga (ಲಿಗಾ) Lord of sweetness 2 Boy-E
Lijesh (ಲೀಜೇಶ) Bright feature; Light 9 Boy-E
Likesh (ಲೀಕೇಶ) Name of lord Shiva 1 Boy-E
Likhil (ಲಿಖಿಲ) Goddess Saraswati 7 Boy-E
Likhit (ಲಿಖಿತ) Written; Drawn 6 Boy-E
Likhith (ಲಿಖಿತ) Written; Drawn 5 Boy-E
Likhithesh (ಲಿಖಿತೇಶ) 1 Boy-E
Likit (ಲಿಕಿತ) Written; Writing 7 Boy-E
Likith (ಲಿಖಿತ) Written; Drawn 6 Boy-E
Liladhar (ಲೀಲಾಧರ) Lord Vishnu; One who indulges in play; Pastime; An epithet of Krishna; Epithet of Vishnu 11 Boy-E
Linay (ಲೀನಯ) 7 Boy-E
Lingadevaru (ಲಿಂಗದೇವಾರು) Lord Shiva, Lord of the Linga 6 Boy-E
Lingadhyaksha (ಲಿಂಗಾಧ್ಯಕ್ಷ) Lord of the lingas 3 Boy-E
Lingaiah (ಲೀನ್ಗೀಃ) Lord Vishnu 7 Boy-E
Lingam (ಲಿಂಗಮ) God Sivan; See Lingan 11 Boy-E
Lingamurthy (ಲಿಂಗಮೂರ್ತಿ) Shivasannidi 4 Boy-E
Lingapandi (ಲಿಂಗಪಂಡೀ) Lord Shiva 6 Boy-E
Lingaraja (ಲಿಂಗರಾಜ) Lord of the lingas 1 Boy-E
Lingasamy (ಲಿಂಗಸಮಯ) Lord Shiva, Lord of the Linga 11 Boy-E
Lingesh (ಲಿಂಗೇಶ) Lord Shiva 11 Boy-E
Lingeshvaran (ಲಿಂಗೇಶ್ವರನ) Another Name of Lord Shiva 4 Boy-E
Lingeswaran (ಲಿಂಗೇಶ್ವರನ) 6 Boy-E
Liniksh (ಲಿನಿಕ್ಷ) Shining 1 Boy-E
Linish (ಲಿನಿಶ) 8 Boy-E
Linith (ಲೀನೀತ) 9 Boy-E
Linu (ಲೀನುಂ) A cry of grief 2 Boy-E
Lipshit (ಲಿಪ್ಷಿತ) Desired 3 Boy-E
Lisanth (ಲೀಸಾಂಥ) cool breeze 11 Boy-E
Lishan (ಲಿಶನ) Tongue; Language; Defender of humanity 9 Boy-E
Lishant (ಲೀಶಾಂತ) Lucky; Defender of Mankind 11 Boy-E
Lishanth (ಲೀಶಾಂತ) Lucky 1 Boy-E
Lithesh (ಲಿಥೇಶ) Charismatic; Energetic; Passionate; Ambitious; Powerful; Spiritual; Leadership 9 Boy-E
Lithiesh (ಲಿಥಿಷ) Aim 9 Boy-E
Lithvik (ಲೀಥವೀಕ) Bright 1 Boy-E
Loakhan (ಲೋಖನ) 8 Boy-E
Lobhesh (ಲೋಭೇಶ) 6 Boy-E
Logachandran (ಲೋಗಚಂದ್ರನ) Lovable 8 Boy-E
Loganathan (ಲೋಗನಾಥನ) King of the World; Power; Good; Clever 3 Boy-E
Logenthiran (ಲೋಗೇನ್ತೀರಣ) Power 6 Boy-E
Logesh (ಲೋಗೇಶ) Name of a God 3 Boy-E
Logeshwaran (ಲೋಗೇಶ್ವರನ) Lord Shiva, Lord of the world 6 Boy-E
Logith (ಲೋಗೀತ) 8 Boy-E
Logithan (ಲೋಗಿತಾಂ) Leek garden 5 Boy-E
Lohendra (ಲೋಹೇಂದ್ರ) Lord of three worlds 5 Boy-E
Lohit (ಲೋಹಿತ) Red; Made of Copper; Mars; Lord; Battle; Sandalwood; Saffron 1 Boy-E
Lohitaksh (ಲೋಹಿತಾಕ್ಷ) Lord Vishnu; Red-eyed 4 Boy-E
Lohitaksha (ಲೋಹಿತಾಕ್ಷ) Lord Vishnu; Red-eyed 5 Boy-E
Lohitashwa (ಲೋಹಿತಶ್ವ) One with a red horse; Fire 8 Boy-E
Lohith (ಲೋಹಿತ) Red; Made of Copper; Mars; Lord; Battle; Sandalwood; Saffron 9 Boy-E
Lohithaksh (ಲೋಹೀತಾಕ್ಷ) Lord Vishnu; Red-eyed 3 Boy-E
Lohitsaran (ಲೋಹಿತಸರನ) 9 Boy-E
Lok (ಲೋಕ) The universe; Heaven; Earth; Humanity; Humankind 11 Boy-E
Lokadhyaksha (ಲೋಕಾಧ್ಯಕ್ಷ) Lord of all the three lokas worlds 8 Boy-E
Lokajit (ಲೋಕಜೀತ) Conqueror of world 6 Boy-E
Lokakriti (ಲೋಕಕೃತಿ) Creator of the world 7 Boy-E
Lokanath (ಲೋಕನಾಥ) Lord Shiva, Lord of the world 1 Boy-E
Lokanetra (ಲೋಕನೇತ್ರ) Eye of the world 7 Boy-E
Lokankara (ಲೋಕಾಂಕರಾ) Creator of the three worlds 3 Boy-E
Lokapal (ಲೋಕಪಾಲ) One who takes care of the world 5 Boy-E
Lokapati (ಲೋಕಪತಿ) Lord Shiva 4 Boy-E
Lokapujya (ಲೋಕಪೂಜ್ಯ) Worshipped by the universe; A name of Lord Hanuman 4 Boy-E
Lokbhushan (ಲೋಕಭೂಷಣ) Ornament of the world 3 Boy-E
Lokender (ಲೋಕೇನ್ದರ) King of the Earth 3 Boy-E
Lokendra (ಲೋಕೇನ್ದ್ರ) King of world 8 Boy-E
Lokesh (ಲೋಕೇಶ) King of world 7 Boy-E
Lokeshwar (ಲೋಕೇಶ್ವರ) God; King 4 Boy-E
Showing 101 - 200 of 232
See Also: Names starting with - L  LA  LE  LI  LO  LU  LR  LRA  LRE  LRI  LRO  LRU  

Popular Kannada Boy names beginning with L

Selecting a suitable name for a child has always been a special task for every parent. It requires a lot of thought. This popular collection of Modern Kannada Boy names beginning with L will help you to fina a perfect name for your newborn!. This Kannada names list contains cute, modern, unique and beautiful names for Boy child. We trust, you will find a perfect name from this list.