Marathi Baby Boy Names Starting With Pa

311 Marathi Boy Names Starting With 'Pa' Found
Showing 101 - 200 of 311
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Pan-It Admired; Surrounded; Protected 6 Boy-E
Panju Smooth 8 Boy-E
Pankaj Lotus flower; Another name for Brahma 8 Boy-E
Pankajalochana Lotus eyed; Lord Krishna 9 Boy-E
Pankajam Lotus 22 Boy-E
Pankajan Lotus; Lord Vishnu 5 Boy-E
Pankajeet Eagle Garuda 11 Boy-E
Pankil Mud with water 9 Boy-E
Pankit Line 8 Boy-E
Pankoj Sea; Ocean; Water 22 Boy-E
Panmoli Speaks sweetly 8 Boy-E
Pann Gesh King of serpents 3 Boy-E
Pannalal Emerald 8 Boy-E
Panshul Fragrant; Another name of Lord Shiva; Anointed in sandalwood 1 Boy-E
Panth Rasta (Way) 5 Boy-E
Panvith Lord Shiva 9 Boy-E
Parabrahma The ultimate conscious being 7 Boy-E
Parabrahmana The supreme absolute truth 4 Boy-E
Parabrahmane Supreme godhead 8 Boy-E
Parag Pollen grains; Fame; Fragrant 7 Boy-E
Paraga Uplifter of the poor 8 Boy-E
Parakasha Bright 4 Boy-E
Parakram Strength 7 Boy-E
Parakshit 4 Boy-E
Param The best; Pre-eminent 22 Boy-E
Param Hans The supreme spirit; Supreme soul 1 Boy-E
Paramahans Sadguru (Holy teacher) 11 Boy-E
Paramanand Supreme bliss 11 Boy-E
Paramananda Superlative Joy 3 Boy-E
Paramantra Acceptor of Rama's Mantra only 4 Boy-E
Paramapurusha The supreme Man 1 Boy-E
Paramarth Highest; Divine truth 6 Boy-E
Paramartha Highest truth; Salvation 7 Boy-E
Paramasivam Lord Shiva; Param - supreme; Highest; Most excellent; Chief; Extreme; Distinguished; Name of Vishnu + Shiva - auspicious; Propitious; Prosperous; Fortunate; Thriving; Right 6 Boy-E
Paramatma Lord of all beings 3 Boy-E
Paramatmane The supreme soul 4 Boy-E
Paramesh Lord Shiva; Lord Vishnu 9 Boy-E
Parameshwar Almighty Lord 6 Boy-E
Parameshwara Almighty Lord 7 Boy-E
Paramhans Sadguru (Holy teacher) 1 Boy-E
Paramhansa The supreme spirit; Supreme soul 11 Boy-E
Paramjeet Highest success; Supremely victorious; The perfect winner; Ultimate victorious 8 Boy-E
Parampurush Supreme personality 8 Boy-E
Paramvardaan Parmeshwar ka Vardaan (Blessings of the Supreme Lord) 11 Boy-E
Paran Beauty; Glory; Ornament 5 Boy-E
Parandhama Lord Vishnu; She who is the ultimate resting place (Parandhama - Param - primary + dhama - abode) 5 Boy-E
Paranitharan Someone who rules the world 4 Boy-E
Paranjay Varun; Lord of the sea 5 Boy-E
Paranjayaditya Happiness 11 Boy-E
Parantap Conqueror; Name of Arjun 6 Boy-E
Parantapa Conqueror; Arjun 7 Boy-E
Paranthap Conqueror; Name of Arjun 5 Boy-E
Paras The mystical stone that is believed to convert base metals to gold; Healthy; Touchstone; Iron 1 Boy-E
Parasara He was a maharishi and the author of many ancient Indian texts, Sage Parashara was raised by his grandfather Vashishtha, since his father Saint Muni died before his birth. He was the father of Ved Vyas 3 Boy-E
Parash The mystical stone that is believed to convert base metals to gold; Healthy; Touchstone; Iron 9 Boy-E
Parashar An ancient name 1 Boy-E
Parashaurya Vinashana; Destroyer of enemy's valour 3 Boy-E
Parashuram The sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu 8 Boy-E
Parashurama  One of the incarnation of Lord Vishnu 9 Boy-E
Parasmai One with a supreme sight 6 Boy-E
Parasmai Jyotish One with a supreme light 4 Boy-E
Parasmaidhamne Lord of vaikuntta 6 Boy-E
Parasmaijyotishe Most radiant 9 Boy-E
Parasmani Touchstone 11 Boy-E
Parasme Most superior; Lord Rama 1 Boy-E
Parasuram The sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu 9 Boy-E
Paratpara Greatest of the greats 11 Boy-E
Parav Name of a sage 22 Boy-E
Paravasu Name of a sage 9 Boy-E
Paravidhyaparihara Destroyer of enemies wisdom 6 Boy-E
Parayantra Prabhedaka; Destroyer of enemies missions 7 Boy-E
Parbrahm The supreme spirit 5 Boy-E
Pardeep Good 11 Boy-E
Pardhu Arjun; Son of the Earth King; Prince; Another name of Arjun, Derived from his Mother's name Pritha (Kunti) 5 Boy-E
Parees To seek; Search for; Searcher 1 Boy-E
Paresh The highest Lord; Another name of Brahma, Lord Rama; Supreme spirit; Lord of the Lords 4 Boy-E
Paresha The highest Lord; Another name of Brahma, Lord Rama; Supreme spirit; Lord of the Lords 5 Boy-E
Parhan 4 Boy-E
Parichay Introduction 9 Boy-E
Parighosh Loud sound 11 Boy-E
Parijaat Divine tree; A celestial flower 4 Boy-E
Parijat Divine tree; A celestial flower 3 Boy-E
Parijata Tarumoolastha dweller under the Parijata tree 4 Boy-E
Parijatapa Harakaya One who removes the Parijath flower 6 Boy-E
Parika 11 Boy-E
Pariket Against desire 8 Boy-E
Parikshit Name of an ancient king; Tested one or proven 3 Boy-E
Parikshith Name of an ancient king; Tested one or proven 11 Boy-E
Parimal Fragrance 7 Boy-E
Pariman Quality; Abundant 9 Boy-E
Parimit Measured; Adjusted; Moderate 5 Boy-E
Parin Another name of Lord Ganesh 4 Boy-E
Parindra Lion 9 Boy-E
Parineeti Bird 7 Boy-E
Parinut Famous; Praised 9 Boy-E
Parish To seek; Search for; Searcher 8 Boy-E
Parishkar Clean 11 Boy-E
Parishrut Popular; Renown 4 Boy-E
Parishudh Nirmal (Clear) 5 Boy-E
Parithosh Delight; Satisfaction or Contentment 6 Boy-E
Showing 101 - 200 of 311
See Also: Names starting with - P  PA  PE  PI  PO  PU  PH  PHA  PHE  PHI  PHO  PHU  PR  PRA  PRE  PRI  PRO  PRU