Easy To Pronounce Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting With R

370 Hindu Boy Names Starting With 'R' Found
Showing 101 - 200 of 370
Name Meaning Numerology Gender Fav
Ranjiv Victorious 11 Boy-E
Ransh Aparajit, Another name of Ram 6 Boy-E
Rantaj King of wars 1 Boy-E
Rasesh Lord Krishna; Lord of Joy 7 Boy-E
Rashal 5 Boy-E
Rashesh Lord Krishna; Lord of Joy 6 Boy-E
Rashil Good; Messenger 4 Boy-E
Raship Bulls power 8 Boy-E
Rashu Loyalty 22 Boy-E
Rasik Graceful; Elegant; Connoisseur; Passionate; Entertaining; Discerning; Handsome 22 Boy-E
Rasiq Graceful; Elegant; Connoisseur; Passionate; Entertaining; Discerning; Handsome 1 Boy-E
Rasit A life full of flavours; Lord Krishna 22 Boy-E
Ratan A precious stone, Gold; Best; Gift; Jewel; Riches 9 Boy-E
Rathan A precious stone, Gold; Best; Gift; Jewel; Riches 8 Boy-E
Rathank 1 Boy-E
Ratheesh Kamdev or cupid 3 Boy-E
Rathik Satisfied; Loved; Joyful; Happy 4 Boy-E
Rathin Celestial 7 Boy-E
Rathish Kamdev or Cupid; The God of Love Kaama 11 Boy-E
Ratik Satisfied; Loved; Joyful; Happy 5 Boy-E
Ratish Kamdev or Cupid; The God of Love Kaama 3 Boy-E
Ratosh Satisfied 9 Boy-E
Ratul Sweet 9 Boy-E
Rauhish Emerald 3 Boy-E
Raul Versatile 7 Boy-E
Raushan Illumination; Bright; Brilliant; Celebrated 1 Boy-E
Ravan King of Lanka, Ravana is a character in Hindu history, who is the primary antagonist of the Hindu epic Ramayana 2 Boy-E
Ravana King of Lanka, Ravana is a character in Hindu history, who is the primary antagonist of the Hindu epic Lord Ramayana 3 Boy-E
Ravee The Sun; Expert or skilled 6 Boy-E
Raveen Sunny; A bird 11 Boy-E
Raven Sunny; A bird 6 Boy-E
Ravesh Lord Vishnu 1 Boy-E
Ravi Delighted; Satisfied; Hope; Expectation; Wish; The Sun; Expert or skilled; Fire 5 Boy-E
Ravij Another name for Karan and Saturn; Born of the Sun 6 Boy-E
Ravin Sunny; A bird 1 Boy-E
Ravish The Sun; Desiring the Sun; Another name for the God of Love Kaama 5 Boy-E
Ravishu Cupid 8 Boy-E
Ravit The Sun; Fire 7 Boy-E
Raxit Protector; Guard 9 Boy-E
Ray Beam of light 8 Boy-E
Rayaan Flow or sated with drink; Door to paradise 6 Boy-E
Rayan Flow or sated with drink; Door to paradise 5 Boy-E
Rayansh Part of The Sun 5 Boy-E
Rayush Long life 11 Boy-E
Rebanta A son of Surya 7 Boy-E
Rebh Singer of praise 6 Boy-E
Redan Having Loved Heart 6 Boy-E
Redu Elf counsel 3 Boy-E
Reedev 5 Boy-E
Reedh Consort of Goddess Lakshmi 4 Boy-E
Reedhanth 11 Boy-E
Reet Jasmine; Soothing; Purifying; Hymn; Prosperous; Universal plentiful 3 Boy-E
Reeth Tradition; Culture 11 Boy-E
Reeyansh First ray of sunlight; Lord Vishnu's Ansh (Ansh = part) 5 Boy-E
Rehaan Fragrant one; Sweet scented; King; Star 11 Boy-E
Rehansh Ansh part of Lord Vishnu (Part of Lord Vishnu) 1 Boy-E
Rehit 6 Boy-E
Rejeesh Bhagavath Prasad (Divine gift from God) 7 Boy-E
Renaud Wise power 9 Boy-E
Renesh Lord of Love 6 Boy-E
Renil King of kingdom; Gorgeous 4 Boy-E
Renit Victory 3 Boy-E
Renjith Goddess Lakshmi; Victory 3 Boy-E
Renuk Born of dust 6 Boy-E
Reshav 1 Boy-E
Reshvi Female Saint 9 Boy-E
Resu Pure soul 9 Boy-E
Retheesh Lord of seasons; Lord of truth 7 Boy-E
Rev The sacred Narmada river; Moving 9 Boy-E
Revaan Horse rider; A star; Ambitious and self sufficient 7 Boy-E
Revan Horse rider; A star 6 Boy-E
Revansh First ray of the Sun; Part (Ansh) of Lord Vishnu 6 Boy-E
Revant Son of Lord Surya (the Sun); Horse rider 8 Boy-E
Revanth Son of Lord Surya (the Sun); Horse rider 7 Boy-E
Revat Brilliant; Wealthy; Attractive 3 Boy-E
Rewathi 3 Boy-E
Reyaan Fame 1 Boy-E
Reyaansh First ray of sunlight; Lord Vishnu's Ansh (Ansh = part) 1 Boy-E
Reyan Fame 9 Boy-E
Reyansh First ray of sunlight; Lord Vishnu's Ansh (Ansh = part) 9 Boy-E
Rhythm Music flow 11 Boy-E
Riaan Little king; Kingly 7 Boy-E
Rian Little king; Kingly 6 Boy-E
Riansh Ray of Sun 6 Boy-E
Richak Wish; Created by a hymn; Desire 5 Boy-E
Richik One who knows hymns; One who praises 4 Boy-E
Ridan Searcher 1 Boy-E
Ridansh Part of Heart 1 Boy-E
Riday Heart 3 Boy-E
Riddan 5 Boy-E
Ridesh Heart; Lord Ganesh 9 Boy-E
Ridhaan Searcher 1 Boy-E
Ridhesh Heart; Lord Ganesh 8 Boy-E
Ridit World famous 6 Boy-E
Ridith World famous 5 Boy-E
Rig King; A vedic text 7 Boy-E
Rigesh Who sings the holy Rig Veda 3 Boy-E
Rihaan God's have chosen one; Lord Vishnu; Destroyer of enemies 6 Boy-E
Rihan Gods have chosen one; Lord Vishnu; Destroyer of enemies 5 Boy-E
Rihanshi Cheerful; Name of Goddess 5 Boy-E
Showing 101 - 200 of 370
See Also: Names starting with - R  RA  RE  RI  RO  RU  RR  RRA  RRE  RRI  RRO  RRU