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Name | Meaning | Numerology | Gender | Fav |
Vichaarchetan | One who is aware and reflective | 5 | Boy-E | |
Vichaardeep | Lamp of reflection | 11 | Boy-E | |
Vichar | Philosophy; Extensive reflection; Contemplation | 6 | Boy-E | |
Vicharleen | Absorbed in reflection; Strong | 7 | Boy-E | |
Vijayant | Victor; Name of Lord Indra | 3 | Boy-E | |
Vijaybir | Victory of brave | 6 | Boy-E | |
Vijaydeep | Victory lamp | 7 | Boy-E | |
Vijaymeet | Friendly victory | 11 | Boy-E | |
Vijaypratap | Glory of victory | 4 | Boy-E | |
Vijaypreet | Love for victory | 5 | Boy-E | |
Vijender | God of bravery | 6 | Boy-E | |
Vikramdev | God of valorous | 6 | Boy-E | |
Vikramjit | Victorious brave | 5 | Boy-E | |
Vikramjot | Light of bravery | 11 | Boy-E | |
Vikrampal | Preserver of bravery | 4 | Boy-E | |
Vikrampreet | One who loves to be valorous | 3 | Boy-E | |
Vimaldeep | Pure lamp | 6 | Boy-E | |
Vimaljeet | Victorious of the pure | 7 | Boy-E | |
Vimaljot | Pure light | 3 | Boy-E | |
Vimalpreet | Pure Love | 4 | Boy-E | |
Vimalprem | Pure Love | 1 | Boy-E | |
Vinaybeer | Brave and modest | 11 | Boy-E | |
Vinaybir | Brave and modest | 1 | Boy-E | |
Vinaydeep | Lamp of modesty | 11 | Boy-E | |
Vinaypaul | Preserver of modesty | 4 | Boy-E | |
Vinaypreet | Love for modesty | 9 | Boy-E | |
Vinitpaul | Protector of modesty | 7 | Boy-E | |
Vir | Courageous; Warrior; Strong; Lightning; Thunder | 9 | Boy-E | |
Virinder | King of warriors | 9 | Boy-E | |
Virpal | Heroic protector; Protector of the brave | 6 | Boy-E | |
Vishalbir | Immense brave | 1 | Boy-E | |
Vishaldeep | Tremendous lamp | 11 | Boy-E | |
Vishaljeet | Great victory | 3 | Boy-E | |
Vishaljot | Immense light | 8 | Boy-E | |
Vishalpreet | Immense Love | 9 | Boy-E | |
Vishwaraj | King of the world | 3 | Boy-E | |
Vishwarpreet | Love of the world | 11 | Boy-E | |
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Vishwatam | Soul of the world | 8 | Boy-E | |
Vishwpal | Protector of the World | 11 | Boy-E | |
Vismad | Wondrous | 5 | Boy-E | |
Visraman | One who is carefree | 7 | Boy-E | |
Vivekbir | Wise and brave | 8 | Boy-E | |
Vivekdeep | Light of wisdom | 9 | Boy-E | |
Vivekpaul | Preserver of the wisdom | 11 | Boy-E | |
Vivekpreet | Love for wisdom | 7 | Boy-E | |
Vivin | Full of Life; Willpower; Freedom | 4 | Boy-E |
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